
Metro East Sun

Friday, July 5, 2024

Illinois allocates $2.6 million for flood-damaged property buyouts in East St.Louis

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State Representative Kevin Schmidt (IL) | Representative Kevin Schmidt (R) 114th District

State Representative Kevin Schmidt (IL) | Representative Kevin Schmidt (R) 114th District

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has announced a plan to allocate nearly $2.6 million to the City of East St. Louis for the acquisition of 39 properties that have suffered repeated flooding and damage. The funding, provided through IDNR’s Flood Hazard Mitigation Program, will cover approved costs associated with acquiring homes on 39 lots, plus one vacant lot, in the Mary Avenue and Terrace Drive areas near Harding Ditch.

The storm system that caused significant damage occurred between July 26-28, 2022, resulting in seven inches of rainfall. For the first time, this project includes additional funds to assist homeowners who resided in the flooded structures with up to $22,500 to purchase a new home. These funds are not available for non-resident owners or renters.

After the properties are purchased and demolished, deed restrictions will be placed on them to prevent new structures from being built in those locations. Independent studies indicate that flood acquisition projects save $6 for every dollar spent. The land is planned to be converted into public green spaces such as parks, trails, or athletic fields.

“IDNR is pleased to be able to assist the City of East St. Louis with helping residents whose lives have been upended by flooding,” said IDNR Director Natalie Phelps Finnie. “As our climate changes and we continue to see stronger and more frequent storms, it’s important that we work together to break the cycles that lead to reconstruction in flood-prone areas.”

East St. Louis City Manager Robert Betts expressed his gratitude for the support received from local, state, and federal partners throughout this lengthy process.

“This will be the end of a long-awaited process and a new beginning for residents impacted by the flooding,” Betts said. “My goal now is to retain them as residents of East St. Louis by providing new housing opportunities that are not prone to flooding.”

The total estimated cost for this project is $2,583,895. This includes acquisition costs, asbestos abatement, demolition and clearance of acquired properties, reshaping properties into safe conditions, and transaction expenses such as appraisals and attorney fees.

“I appreciate IDNR’s response to significant repeated flooding issues in East St. Louis that have resulted in excessive property damage over time,” State Sen. Christopher Belt (D-Swansea) said. “Providing funds to assist homeowners shows our commitment to protecting the city and its residents from these floods.”

East St. Louis has experienced frequent flooding both from the Mississippi River and internal drainage systems despite levees built against a 500-year flood from the river.

“The people of East St. Louis have faced a tragic cycle of flooding that has disproportionately affected families in the area,” said Rep. Kevin Schmidt (R-Cahokia Heights). “This is a step forward toward a better future for those so severely impacted.”

In other news around the district: visits were made recently by Rep. Schmidt at various community centers including Revela at O’Fallon Senior Living Facility and The Joseph Center among others.

Additionally, Rep Schmidt announced an upcoming Tire Recycling event scheduled for Saturday July 27th from 9am-12pm at O’Fallon Township located at 801 E State Street in O’Fallon IL.

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