
Metro East Sun

Friday, March 14, 2025

Madison County Finance and Government Operations Committee reviews financial items

Webp budget 07

The Madison County Finance and Government Operations Committee met Wednesday, June 8.

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Madison County Finance and Government Operations Committee:


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

PRESENT: J. Minner, K. Tracy, A. Gorman, M. Holliday, B. Meyer, J. Goggin, L. Trucano

OTHERS: J. Parente, R. Faccin, J. Zoelzer, B. Harris, A. Schoeberle, J. Conner, T. Corona, C. Knott, T. Renick, T. Kruse, G. Schuette, A. Dunstan, L. Ciampoli, L. Dalton, B. Robertson, K. Geschwend

Ms. Tracy moved, seconded by Ms. Gorman, to approve the May meeting minutes. MOTION CARRIED.


$8,051.18 Animal Control is purchasing 2 Dell rugged laptops and accessories.

$8,654.10 Circuit Clerk is purchasing a Canon copier.

$8,200.00 Facilities Management is replacing failed wiring from elevator generator at WRF.

$5,258.75 Health Dept. is purchasing vaccines.

$7,175.57 IT is purchasing 4 Dell workstations and 5 Dell monitors.

$8,000.00 Sheriff is purchasing services that will fund U.S. Marshall’s Task Force.

$5,000.00 States Attorney is purchasing 5000 Rx custom notepads.

Ms. Tracy moved, seconded by Mr. Holliday, to approve the purchases as presented. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: AYES: Tracy, Gorman, Holliday, Meyer, Goggin and Trucano. NAYS: None.

$14,960.00 Facilities Management is removing carpet, asbestos floor tile at the Annex.

Ms. Tracy moved, seconded by Mr. Holliday, to approve the purchase as presented. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: AYES: Tracy, Gorman, Holliday, Meyer, Goggin and Trucano. NAYS: None. ABSTAIN: Minner.


1. Resolution Approving Construction Contracts for the Southwestern Illinois Flood Prevention Council.

2. Resolution Modifying a Contract for Janitorial Services for Designated Madison County Facilities.

3. Resolution to Purchase One New 2016 Self Propelled Chip Spreader for the Madison County Highway Department.

4. Resolution to Award Contract for a Three Year Pump Station Maintenance Service Contract for the Madison County SSA #1.

Ms. Tracy moved, seconded by Ms. Gorman, to approve resolutions as presented. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: AYES: Tracy, Gorman, Holliday, Meyer, Goggin and Trucano. NAYS: None.


$150.00 Refund issued from Health Dept., payable to a group of individuals due to overpayments.

$764.86 Refund issued from SSA#1, payable to a group of individuals due to overpayments.

Mr. Holliday moved, seconded by Ms. Tracy, to approve the refunds as presented. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: AYES: Tracy, Gorman, Holliday, Meyer, Goggin and Trucano. NAYS: None.


1. Immediate Emergency Appropriation-2015 IVPA Arrest Grant.

2. Immediate Emergency Appropriation-2016 Child Protection Data Courts Grant.

Ms. Tracy moved, seconded by Mr. Meyer, to approve the appropriation resolutions as presented. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: AYES: Tracy, Gorman, Holliday, Meyer, Goggin and Trucano. NAYS: None.

R. Faccin submitted the Report of Claims and Transfers, May 2016.

Ms. Tracy moved, seconded by Mr. Meyer, to approve the report as presented. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: AYES: Tracy, Gorman, Holliday, Meyer, Goggin and Trucano. NAYS: None.

J. Zoelzer informed the committee that the audit is on the website and Scheffel will be in to discuss it in the July meeting.


A. Schoeberle presented the following:

1. Report of Claims above $5,000 paid by Risk Management.

2. Madison County Open Liability Claims Report.

Mr. Meyer moved, seconded by Ms. Tracy, to adjourn the meeting. MOTION CARRIED.