The Collinsville City Council met Oct. 17 to promote a new police lieutenant.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the council:
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners | City of Collinsville
125 South Center Street, Collinsville, IL 62234
Phone: (618) 346-5200 ext. 1131
Regular Meeting Agenda
October 13, 2016
Fire Station 1 Training Room
130 South Clinton Street | Collinsville
8:45 AM
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Speakers from the Floor
a. Speakers may address the Board/Commission during the time designated as Speakers
from the Floor on the Agenda in accordance with Ordinance No. 4765 “Ordinance
Governing Speakers from the Floor during Meetings of the City Council and the
Commission, Boards, and Sub-Bodies of Collinsville, IL.” Time is limited to four (4)
minutes per speaker. Please refer to the last page of the agenda for specific rules
governing speakers from the floor.
5. Promotion of Lieutenant from Promotional List (Matt Giles)
6. Communication from the Fire and Police Board
7. Communication from the Police Department
8. Communication from the Fire Department
9. Adjournment
Below are the rules for input during Board/Commission/Sub-Body meetings as set out in Ordinance No.
4765 entitled “Ordinance Governing Speakers from the Floor during Meetings of the City Council and
the Commission, Boards, and Sub-Bodies of Collinsville, Illinois”. Speakers may address the
Board/Commission during the time designated as Speakers from the Floor on the agenda.
RULE 1: Speakers shall be allowed only during “Speakers from the Floor,” or at any other time if
requested by the meeting Chairman of the governing board.
RULE 2: Input must relate to a matter under the authority of the commission, board, or sub-body.
RULE 3: Upon request by the meeting Chairman for speakers from the floor, a prospective speaker shall
express the desire to speak, be recognized by the meeting Chairman, approach the designated podium,
and state their name and general subject matter to which they will address the Board/Commission.
RULE 4: After establishing their identity, prospective speakers shall immediately address the governing
RULE 5: Each speaker is limited to four (4) minutes to address the governing board. No extensions will
be granted and no time shall be compensated to the speaker resulting from interruptions by or
discussion with the governing board or any other City officer or employee.
RULE 6: Speakers shall address only the governing board collectively or its members individually.
Speakers shall speak to issues and shall refrain from personal attacks on the governing board or City
appointed officials and employees. Speakers may not address issues related to pending litigation in
which the City or its subsidiary bodies, officers, agents, employees, boards or commissions is a party.
RULE 7: Speakers shall not be permitted to advertise, solicit, request, urge, summon, or cajole the
governing board or the general public, except as otherwise provided for herein, with regard to any
products, goods, services, information, gains, losses, advantages, consequences, or any other similar
matter, notwithstanding that there may or may not be any pecuniary, monetary, financial or property
gain, loss, or benefit to the speaker or any other person or entity.
RULE 8: Speakers shall act and speak with decorum and conform to conventional social manners in
speech, writing, dress, and behavior. The audience shall refrain from conduct that disrupts the meeting
in any way such as clapping, booing, loud talking or outbursts. A speaker may be immediately
terminated at the meeting Chairman’s discretion.
RULE 9: Determination of breaches of this Ordinance shall be made by the meeting Chairman. The
meeting Chairman customarily will warn the speaker or members of the audience of inappropriate
behavior through one warning use of the gavel. Subsequent inappropriate behavior shall result in the
immediate removal of the responsible parties at the discretion of the meeting Chairman.
Please Note: These rules do not apply to public input during an advertised Public Hearing.