The Edwardsville Public Library Board of Trustees met Aug. 31 to discuss liquor in the library.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:
The Edwardsville Library Board meets at 7 p.m. on the last Wednesday of each month.
MINUTES Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Board of Trustees Time: 7:00 pm Edwardsville Public Library Place: Meeting Room
Call to order and roll call of members: President Bob LaRose called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.
Members Present: Gary Denue Pete Fornof Bob LaRose JoAnn Nabe Gloria Zupanci
Members Absent: Emily Gates Kim Harrison Francie Powell Sharon Whittaker
A. Introduction of guests:
Librarian-Director Susan Carr, Assistant Director Cary Harvengt.
B. Disposition of regular minutes:
Motion by Gary Denue, seconded by Gloria Zupanci, to approve the board meeting minutes for Wednesday, July 27, 2016. Motion carried.
C. Communications:
Bob LaRose read aloud Emily Gates’ official resignation (sent via email) to the board.
Susan read aloud a Resolution thanking Emily Gates for her tenure on the Library Board and her service and support to the Library. The Resolution will be printed and included in the board minutes, and presented in a frame to Emily Gates at the September, 2016 board meeting. Motion by Gary Denue, seconded by Gloria Zupanci, to approve the Resolution honoring Emily Gates’ tenure on the library board of trustees. Motion carried.
Susan received a letter from IMPACT, thanking the library for our donation of a book basket for their annual fundraiser.
Susan received a request from the Metro-East Lutheran High School in Edwardsville asking for a single school “access” library card so that their students could use our databases. The board agreed that students can come into the library to access databases anytime and that issuing a card for a school is not within IHLS guidelines.
Susan passed around archival documents showing copies of historical library meeting minutes, and a copy of the original letter from Andrew Carnegie granting Edwardsville money for the library.
D. Committee Reports:
1) Building
Susan reported that an Amendment to the Liquor Act of 1934, we can now have liquor in the library building (delivery and sale).
Fire Chief Welle inspected the building at Susan’s request and reported on several violations that need to be fixed. One of the violations is that the lower level double door does not have a push bar for exit with alarm. The board agreed that this type of door should be installed. Susan is arranging to get the violations fixed.
Susan shared an article from the August 2016 ILA Reporter that surveyed Illinois libraries who went out for referenda to expand their buildings.
Edwardsville’s population has now exceeded 25,000. Susan will look into Home Rule criteria and see how, if at all, this affects the library.
As a follow up to the previous month’s meeting, Susan reported that the City of Edwardsville has used Cork Tree and Creative Options marketing/design firms in the past. The YMCA has its own in-house Marketing and Communications Director, who reported that Inland Design and Creative Options were hired when the Meyer Center was built.
The board discussed various ways to proceed with acquiring marketing and design expertise, and agreed that hiring a part time person would be beneficial to the process. Susan will draft a description of what we would need from a part time person and determine how many hours a week are needed.
2) Personnel - None.
3) ELFs
Susan reported that the ELFs received a donation of bags from Edwardsville Neighbors in Need to use for hygiene bags. This donation was arranged by Emily Gates.
4) Finance
Motion by Pete Fornof, seconded by JoAnn Nabe, to approve the pre-paid bills in the amount of $68,849.33. Roll call: Gary Denue – yes Pete Fornof – yes JoAnn Nabe – yes Gloria Zupanci – yes Bob LaRose – yes Motion carried.
Motion by Pete Fornof, seconded by Gary Denue, to approve the bills to the City Clerk in the amount of $64,933.07. Roll call: Gary Denue – yes Pete Fornof – yes JoAnn Nabe – yes Gloria Zupanci – yes Bob LaRose – yes Motion carried.
Susan reported that the City requested that any board members who are approved to sign bills must sign a signatory page. The board agreed to add all board members to the signatory.
E. Illinois Heartland Library System
Gary reported that the move from the DuQuoin office to the Carbondale office is complete.
F. Librarian-Director Report
Susan reported that the Local Records Act regulates the preservation and disposal of local records. We need to “apply” to dispose of any records. Sandra Lucas from the IL State Archives visited and interviewed Susan, Cary, and Jill to formulate an updated schedule and timeline for disposing of our library records. We will receive our updated schedule after her board meeting in October.
Susan will confirm with Robbie how our emails are stored and for how long to make sure we are complying with the Local Records Act.
Susan reported that the library’s collection of EHS yearbooks have been sent to be digitized.
The new book/media drop box is on its way and will be installed soon to replace the leaking box on Kansas Street.
St. Louis Public Library sells metro area library cards for $15.00. Jacob acquired one to test out if he could access St. Louis Library’s Overdrive service as an option for patrons now that we no longer provide Overdrive.
G. Unfinished Business
H. New Business
I. Presentation to Board
J. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Pete Fornof, seconded by Gary Denue. The meeting was
adjourned by President LaRose at 9:00 pm.