City of Madison Board of Health for Madison and Dane County met April 13.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Matthew J. Phair; Bob Salov; Mark E. Edgar; Patricia A. Lasky and Lezli Redmond
Present: 5 -
Excused: 2 - Renae Sieling and Jerry L. Halverson
Others Present: Carl Meyer, Doug Voegeli, Nick Heckman, Jessica Wrathkey
Request for changes in agenda order
Lasky/Phair moved to have Public Comment during the New Business Action Item, approved.
2. Approval of Minutes
46744 Draft Board of Health Meeting Minutes for February 9, 2017
Attachments: draft Board of Health minutes 2 9 17.pdf
A motion was made by Redmond, seconded by Salov, to Approve. The motion passed by voice vote/other.
3. Public Comment
The Board requests that you limit your comments to 5 minutes or less.
Public comment moved to Item 5.
4. Disclosures and Recusals - None
Members of the body should make any required disclosures or recusals under the Ethics Code.
5. New Business - Action Item - 10 minutes
5.a 46133 Establishing the City of Madison’s Good Food Purchasing Policy.
A motion was made by Phair, seconded by Lasky, to Return to Lead with the
Recommendation for Approval to the Madison Food Policy CounciL. The motion passed by voice vote/other.
Nick Heckman, Public Health Planner, will speak on the policy listed above.
Eric Sarno and Ben Van Pelt, representing the America Heart Association, spoke and registered in support of the resolution and provided a handout stating support.
6. Reports To Committee
6.A 46277 Vice Chair's Report
6.B 46758 Director's Report
6.C 46746 Environmental Health Division - Doug Voegeli - 5 minutes
6.d 46747 Operations Division - Doug Voegeli - 5 minutes
6.e 46749 Community Health Division - Carl Meyer - 5 minutes
6.f 46748 Policy, Planning and Evaluation Division
7. Liaison Committee Update
7.a 46750 Committee on the Environment - Pat Lasky - 5 minutes
8. Standing And Special Committees - 5 minutes
8.a 46751 Executive
8.b 46752 Budget
8.C 46753 Personnel
8.D 46754 Administrative Hearings
8.E 46755 Safe Food Advisory
9. Future Meeting Items And Dates - May 11 at the Village on Park, Atrium Community Rooms
10. Adjournment
This was Adjourn
Adjourn at 6:39