Village of Swansea Committee Executive Session met June 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Attendees: Board President Leopold, Trustec Wells, Village Attorney Jerry Warchol (advisor), Village Clerk O'Neill (prepared minutes)
The meeting was called to order at 8:17 pm at 1444 Boul Avenue, Swansea, IL for the semi-annual review of executive session minutes in closed session per 5 ILC 120-2(c)(21) and a motion by Wells, Leopold (names in motions are presented with the individual that made the motion listed first, followed by the individual that seconded the motion), and support of voting members. At 8:37 pm with the conclusion of the closed session review discussion, the meeting was re-opened with a motion by Wells, Leopold, and support of voting members. With a motion by Wells, Leopold, and support of voting members, the minutes to be released, the minutes to be held closed, and the tapes to be erased or destroyed per the review were as outlined below. The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 pm, with a motion by Wells, Leopold, and the support of the voting members.