
Metro East Sun

Friday, March 14, 2025

Madison County Finance and Government Operations Committee met June 14.

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Madison County Finance and Government Operations Committee met June 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Present: L. Ciampoli, R. Pollard, T. Mcrae, L. Trucano, D. Moore

Absent: D. Michael, P. Chapman, G. Glasper

Others: D. Hulme, R. Faccin, J. Zoelzer, D. Mendoza, T. Corona, A. Schoeberle, K. Prenzler, M. Gvillo, C. Jones, P. McRae, C. Slusser, T. McFarland, R. Dorman, E. Decker, J. Conner, R. Schmidt, C. Edwards, C. Ellis, J. Dauderman, T. Gibbons, C. Cooper, B. Falk, B. Powers, T. Soland, D. Goodrich

Mr. Moore moved, seconded by Mr. McRae, to approve the May meeting minutes. Motion Carried.

Purchasing Approvals:

$30,060.78 Auditor is renewing maintenance on USL Financials.

$7,365.32 Circuit Court is purchasing defense attorney, John Delaney on a sexually violent defendant.

$7,052.00 SSA #1 is doing electrical work at lift station #4.

$5,798.00 SSA #1 is doing emergency repair work on lift station 9A.

$5,500.00 Health Department is purchasing a 6 month ad on healthcare on Grindr website.

$6,525.00 Sheriff is purchasing 9 Razor body armor.

$11,000.00 Sheriff is purchasing the administration, grading and processing of exams for various positions.

*Amount is not to exceed $11,000.00*

Discussion was held among the committee members regarding the health department purchase. It is a grant that is 100% funded. It is an ad for HIV and STD outreach. This ad was purchased last year from the department. Toni Corona informed board members to please come speak to her for any questions they may have.

Mr. Moore and Mr. McRae requested that he would like more time to research the health department purchase.


1. Resolution Awarding Bids for Weatherization HVAC Contractor for the Madison County Community Development’s Weatherization Program.

2. Resolution Awarding Bids for Weatherization Electrical Contractor for the Madison County Community Development’s Weatherization Program.

3. Resolution Awarding Bids for Weatherization Material Vendor for the Madison County Community Development’s Weatherization Program.

4. Resolution Authorizing Approval of a One Stop Operator of the Madison County American Job Center by the Madison Bond Workforce Innovation Board.

5. Resolution Authorizing Approval of a Vendor for In School Youth Programming in Madison County for the Madison County Employment and Training Department.

6. Resolution Authorizing Approval of a Vendor for Out of School Youth Programming in Madison Bond Counties for the Madison County Employment and Training Department.

7. Resolution to Purchase a Cyber Security Assessment on Professional Services Contract for Madison County I.T.

8. Resolution to Purchase a Three Year Agreement for the Evaluation Component of the Enhanced Drug Court Treatment Program for the Madison County Probation and Court Services Department.

Discussion was held between board members and department heads regarding the resolutions.

Mr. Moore moved, seconded by Mr. McRae, to table the health department purchase request and to bring it before the board on June 21st. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to table resulted in a vote as follows: Ayes: Trucano, Pollard, Mcrae And Moore. Nays: Ciampoli.

Mr. McRae moved, seconded by Mr. Pollard, to approve the remaining purchases and resolutions as presented. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: Ayes: Trucano, Pollard, Mcrae And Moore.

R. Faccin submitted to the committee the Summary Report of Claims and Transfers.


$162.00 Refund issued from the SSA#1, payable to a list of individuals due to overpayments.

$616.00 Refund issued from Health Department, payable to a list of individuals due to overpayments.

Mr. Pollard moved, seconded by Mr. Trucano, to approve the report and refunds as presented. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: AYES: Trucano, Pollard, McRae and Moore.

The monthly budget report was presented to the committee. The changes the board members asked for are still being worked on and will be available at the next meeting.

Immediate Emergency Appropriation:

1. Immediate Emergency Appropriation-IMRF

Discussion was held between the board members, R. Faccin and C. Slusser regarding the reserve in IMRF, the balance of SLEP enhancement reserve account and the balance of the ECHO reserve. The treasurer along with the auditor are working together to resolve and come up with a plan on this appropriation.

Mr. McRae moved, seconded by Mr. Pollard, to table this resolution until next month. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: Ayes: Trucano, Pollard, Moore And Mcrae. Nays: None.

Safety and Risk Management:

A. Schoeberle presented the following reports:

1. Open Liability Report.

2. Claims above $5,000.00 paid by Risk Management.

New Business:

The highway department had a 1990 pneumatic roller. The local municipalities had a chance to bid on this piece of equipment. Alhambra Township won the bid at $8000.00 and the county made $4500.00 from this deal.

J. Zoelzer announced that the annual audit for 2016 has been completed and the Comprehensive Report has been posted to the auditor’s web page. The outside auditor, Scheffel will make a presentation at July’s meeting.

L. Ciampoli asked about the resolution on contracting grass cutting. It was removed from the agenda. T. McRae reported that this was discussed in the buildings committee. D. Hulme reported that he will be talking to John Gilbert regarding this issue.

Mr. Pollard moved, seconded by Mr. Moore, to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried.
