
Metro East Sun

Friday, March 14, 2025

Madison County Finance and Government Operations Committee met April 12.

Webp meetingroom01

Madison County Finance and Government Operations Committee met April 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Present: T. Mcrae, P. Chapman, R. Pollard, L. Trucano, D. Moore, D. Michael

Absent: L. Ciampoli, G. Glasper

Others: D. Hulme, S. Adler, K. Prenzler, Judge Hylla, A. Schoeberle, T. Corona, M. Gvillo, M. Brandmeyer, C. Knott, M. Brown, R. Dorman, R. Schmidt, D. Gray, D. Mendoza, J. Conner, E. Decker, C. Dutton, C. Slusser, P. McRae, L. Ogden, C. Edwards, J. Minner, J. Zoelzer, K. Geschwend, A. Meyer, T. McFarland, R. Faccin

*Mr. McRae chaired in absence of Ms. Ciampoli*

Mr. Chapman moved, seconded by Mr. Trucano, to approve the March meeting minutes. Motion Carried.

Purchasing Approvals: D. Hulme presented the following:

Administrative Services is renewing #10 white envelopes with printed return address for various county offices. This is a three year optional renewal and individual invoices to be paid by department.

$12,330.29 Circuit Court is paying legal fees for a felony case.

$5,793.00 Facilities Management is purchasing 8 rotary birch doors for the CAC.

$5,964.00 Facilities Management is replacing 2 boilers for CJC.

$5,245.00 Health Department is purchasing a portable medical fridge.

$5,283.65 Health Department is purchasing 10 cases of larvicide.

$17,725.00 Recorder is purchasing a 2 month rental, per roll charge and 2 tower ribbon storage device.

$5,479.20 Sheriff is renewing its annual agreement with astro lite service.

$7,975.00 Sheriff is purchasing FAA certificate for unmanned aircraft system (drone)

$9,770.00 SSA #1 is doing emergency repair to lift station 4a pump #2.

$14,198.75 SSA #1 is relining sewer line on Meadowlane in Granite City.

Resolutions: D. Hulme presented the following:

1. Resolution to Purchase Code Red Weather Warning Service and Code Red Services Agreement Extension for the Madison County Emergency Management Agency.

2. Resolution to Purchase One 2013 180G Excavator for the Madison County Highway Department.

3. Resolution to Purchase Equipment for Police Patrol Vehicles for the Madison County Sheriff’s Office.

4. Resolution to Amend the FY 2017 Host Fee Admin Budget and a Purchase order to Purchase a 2017 Ford Explorer for the Planning and Development Department.

Mr. Chapman moved, seconded by Mr. Moore, to approve the purchases and resolutions as presented. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: Ayes: Trucano, Pollard, Moore, Chapman And Michael. Nays: None.

Mr. Moore stated that he would like to see a little more scrutiny towards the purchasing of items.

R. Faccin submitted the Claims and Transfer Report, March 2017.

Immediate Emergency Appropriation:

1. Immediate Emergency Appropriation-2016 BJA Enhanced Drug Court Treatment Program.

2. Immediate Emergency Appropriation-2016 Ebola Virus Disease Grant.

Mr. Pollard moved, seconded by Mr. Michael, to approve the claims and transfers report and the appropriation resolutions as presented. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: Ayes: Trucano, Pollard, Moore, Chapman And Michael. Nays: None.


$369.00 Refund issued from the Health Department payable to a list of individuals due to overpayments.

$2,668.00 Refund issued from Recorder payable to a list of individuals due to overpayments.

Mr. Trucano moved, seconded by Mr. Chapman, to approve the refunds as presented. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: Ayes: Trucano, Pollard, Moore, Chapman And Michael. Nays: None.

J. Zoelzer informed the committee that the Host Fee Resolution for Planning and Development should be an Immediate Emergency Appropriation. She asked the committee and administration how they would like to submit it.

Mr. Chapman moved, seconded by Mr. Trucano, to approve the change from a purchasing resolution to an Immediate Emergency Appropriation. The ayes and nays being called on the motion to approve resulted in a vote as follows: Ayes: Trucano, Pollard, Moore, Chapman And Michael. Nays: None.

R. Faccin submitted the 1st quarter budget variance report.

Mr. Moore asked Mr. Faccin if this report could start being provided monthly. Mr. Faccin stated that was not a problem.

D. Michael asked for an explanation on certain line items in the variance report.

Safety and Risk Management:

No Report.

New Business:

C. Slusser informed the committee that the Bank of Edwardsville will now be charging for the lock box service the Treasurer’s office uses. In June, the department will be going out for bids on this service. He stated he the Bank of Edwardsville does a great job and he does not want to lose the Bank of Edwardsville, but the service does need to be sent out for bids. Once a bank is established, this change will take affect for next tax cycle, starting March, 2018.

Mr. Trucano moved, seconded by Mr. Pollard, to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried.
