
Metro East Sun

Thursday, January 23, 2025

City of Alton City Council met September 27.

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City of Alton City Council met September 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois was held in the City Council Chambers, City Hall Building, Alton, Illinois at the hour of 6:30 p.m. on the above date.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walker.

The Council Members present on call of the roll:

Present: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Absent: None – 0

Mayor Walker called upon Alderwoman MacAfee to lead the Pledge to the Flag.

Council Minutes, Communications And Report Of Officers:

The Clerk presented the following Council Meeting Minutes of September 13, 2017 and the following Communications: Republic Services, re: Solid Waste and Recycle Volumes for the City of Alton for the month of August, 2017 and the following Report of Officers: City Treasurer, re: Annual Treasurers Report of Cash Receipts and Disbursements for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2017. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said Minutes, Communications and Report of Officers be placed on file. The Chair so ordered.

Committee Report:

Chairman Campbell presented the following Committee of the Whole Meeting Report for September 25, 2017; Resolution, re: Discount and Special Bills Paid; Resolution, re: Marquette Catholic High School has requested that 4th Street beginning at 4th Street and Easton and ending at 4th Street and Langdon be closed to facilitate the Marquette Catholic High School homecoming; Mac Lenhardt has requested that a portion of certain streets be closed to facilitate a party for graduates of the 60’s in downtown Alton; Resolution, re: That the Mayor and appropriate city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Alton The Landings At Belle Meadows Agreement For The Provision Of Supplemental Police Services; Resolution, re: Providing for a feasibility study on the designation of a portion of the City of Alton as a Redevelopment Project Area; Resolution, re: The Civil Services Commission has discussed certain changes to their Rules and approval of rule changes by the City Council of the City of Alton; Resolution, re: That the attached document labeled “SNIP Contract is hereby approved and the Mayor and appropriate city officials are authorized and directed to sign the document; Resolution, re: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the attached Agreement pertaining to establishing a committee and fund for the James Killion Park; Resolution, re: The Alton Community Unit School District #11 entered into a contract with Wanrack to construct their fiber optic network and part of the network is designed to be constructed with the City’s Right-of-Way and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached License Agreement with Wanrack; Resolution, re: The City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois desires to update its City Code to pertaining to raffle limitations; Resolution, re: The City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois has received the Plan of the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association including By- Laws; Resolution, re: The Administration has recommended modifications to the procedures required by the City Code with regard to the approval and renewal of sidewalk café; Resolution, re: The City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to return to Pride Inc., the sum of $60,000 as a voluntary reimbursement or refund with the donation previously received by the City of Alton from Pride Inc. specifically for the enhancement of Gordon Moore Community Park; Resolution, re: That the Comptroller shall determine on an annual basis commencing with Fiscal Year 2018-2019 the total funds deposited into the Emergency Vehicle Replacement Fund of the City of Alton from the hotel and motel tax revenues of the City of Alton; Resolution, re: The Sewer Fund of the City of Alton is an enterprise fund, which is supported exclusively by the funds derived from monthly user charges paid by users of the wastewater facilities and that an ordinance adjusting the sewer service charges to cover the actual cost incurred by the City of Alton to provide sewer services; Resolution, re: Bid #2017 – 18; Demolition of 301 – 303 Dry Street for the Building and Zoning Department; Resolution, re: Bid #2017 – 19, Asbestos Abatement at 615 E. 5th Street for the Building and Zoning Department. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said report be placed on file. The Chair so ordered.

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Be It Resolved that the Discount and Special Bills Paid; also all Expenditure Detail Bills as listed in the Comptroller’s report date September 25, 2017 be allowed and payment be made for same. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, Marquette Catholic High School has requested, that 4th Street beginning at 4th Street and Easton and ending at 4th Street and Langdon be closed on October 21, 2017, from 8:00 a.m. until October 22, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. to facilitate the Marquette Catholic High School homecoming.

Whereas, the City Council has considered the request, which was submitted in a timely manner, and does hereby approve said request.

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the Public Works Department, Police Department and Fire Department are hereby authorized and directed to effectuate the temporary closure of 4th Street beginning at 4th Street and Easton and ending at 4th Street and Langdon on October 21, 2017, from 8:00 a.m. until October 22, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. on the condition that Marquette Catholic High School be responsible for any extra labor costs incurred by the City as it relates to this event. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, Mac Lenhardt has requested, that a portion of certain streets be closed on September 30, 2017 to facilitate a party for graduates of the 60’s in downtown Alton in the vicinity of Mac’s Time Out Lounge; and

Whereas, the City Council has considered the requests and does hereby approve said requests.

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the Public Works Department, Police Department and Fire Department are hereby authorized and directed to effectuate the temporary closure of Belle Street from Third Street to Fourth Street on September 30, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. until October 1, 2017 at 6:00 a.m.

Be It Further Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois that any extra labor costs incurred by the City as it relates to the implementation of this Resolution shall be reimbursed by Mac’s Timeout Lounge. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois that the Mayor and appropriate city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Alton the attached The Landings At Belle Meadows Agreement For The Provision Of Supplemental Police Services, and that any prior execution of said Agreement by the Mayor and other appropriate officials is hereby authorized, ratified and affirmed. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, the City of Alton (the “City”) is authorized under the provisions of the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, 65 ILCS 11-74.4-1, et seq. (the “Act”), to finance redevelopment project costs in connection with redevelopment project areas established in accordance with the conditions and requirements set forth in the Act; and

Whereas, on June 14, 2017 the City passed a resolution recognizing City staff negotiations with Alton Mall, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company (the “Developer”), regarding development plans for the Alton Square Mall (the “Mall”) and to authorize entering into a Project Funding Agreement with the Developer and to execute a contract with Peckham Guyton Albers & Viets Inc. (“PGVA”) to undertake a tax increment financing (“TIF”) feasibility study and if the mall area qualifies, prepare a redevelopment plan (the “TIF Plan”); and

Whereas, PGAV has made a preliminary finding that the TIF Area qualifies as a “conservation area” as defined in the Act and that if the former Macy’s building is demolished before the establishment of the TIF Program, the parcel of real estate containing said former Macy’s building would likely qualify as “blighted before becoming vacant” as defined in the Act; and

Whereas, the Developer proposes to invest approximately $26.2 million to demolish and redeveloped a portion of the Mall (the now vacant Macy’s store), renovate the first floor of the remaining Mall, retrofit and repurpose the second story of the Mall and the former Sears building (the “Project”); and

Whereas, the Developer has proclaimed that the construction of said Project is conditioned on receiving certain TIF and other financial incentives to help offset extraordinary project costs; and

Whereas, timing is of the essence due to the need to expeditiously proceed with the demolition of the former Macy’s building to position this portion of the Mall properties for reassessment at a lower assessed valuation for purposes of calculating ad valorem real estate taxes; and

Whereas, the boundaries of the TIF redevelopment project area (the “TIF Area”) are delineated on Exhibit A attached hereto, provided that the actual TIF Area to be established may contain more less land than that shown on Exhibit A; and

Whereas, the purpose of the proposed TIF Plan and Project is to generate private investment in the targeted TIF Area, thereby eliminating or reducing blighted conditions and provides for the long-term sound growth of the community; and

Whereas, tax increment allocation financing utilizes the increase in real estate taxes (“tax increment”) resulting from the increase in value of properties located in a redevelopment project area to pay for certain redevelopment project costs as provided for in the Act; and

Whereas, given that the proposed TIF Plan or proposed Project will not result in the displacement of residents since there are no inhabited residential units within the TIF Area, the feasibility study is not required to include the preparation of a housing impact study as described in Section 11-74,4-4.1 (b) of the Act.

Whereas, the City has expended and will be expending funds to determine eligibility of the proposed TIF Area and to prepare the required TIF Plan to implement tax increment financing for all or a portion of the proposed TIF Area; and

Whereas, the Developer will be expending certain funds for professional and legal services, building demolition, and other project costs in advance of the City officially approving a TIF Plan, establishing the TIF Area, and adopting tax increment financing (the “TIF Program”); and

Whereas, it is the intent of the City to allow the Developer and the City to recover these expenditures from proceeds of the TIF Program after it is established and incremental tax revenues are being generated by the Project; and

Whereas, the City wishes to encourage Developer to pursue its plans for the redevelopment/retrofit/renovation of the Property and make such expenditures as are reasonably necessary in that regard with confidence that TIF eligible expenditures, including building demolition and certain other costs will be allowable redevelopment project costs, provided that such costs are included in the Plan and meet the definition of “redevelopment project costs” as defined in the Act; and

Whereas, the implementation of the proposed Project is anticipated to reverse an eroding tax base with respect to the proposed TIF Area and ultimately enhance the City’s tax base as well as the tax base of other affected taxing districts, provide new job opportunities for its residents, grow the commercial base of the City, and improve the general welfare and prosperity of the community; and

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois as follows:

1. That the City Council has examined the proposed TIF Area and proposed Project and at this time believes that tax increment financing incentives are necessary for the Project to move forward and that incurring certain redevelopment project costs in furtherance of the Project shall be allowable project costs under the TIF Program and Act, provided that this resolution is not a guarantee that any such TIF Program will be established.

2. The person to contact for additional information about the proposed TIF Area and who should receive all comments and suggestions regarding the redevelopment of the area shall be:

Greg Caffey Director of Development and Housing City of Alton 101 E. Third Street Alton, IL 62002 Telephone: 618-463-3801 x279 Email: gcaffey@cityofaltonil.com

3. The Mayor and appropriate City officials are hereby authorized and directed to negotiate a redevelopment agreement between the City and the Developer that is suitable to both parties and bring such agreement before the City Council for its consideration and approval, provided that any such agreement shall not be effective unless and until the TIF Program is officially established by the City.

4. That this resolution does not constitute a financial obligation of the City with respect to the Developer or the Project, but rather an expression of intent of the City at this time. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 6

Nays: Velloff – 1

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, the Civil Service Commission of the City of Alton has discussed certain changes to their Rules; and

Whereas, approval of rule changes by the City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois, as a home rule unit, may be required to fully effectuate the intent of said rule changes.

Now Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the Corporation Counselor of the City of Alton is hereby authorized and directed to draft an ordinance incorporating the rule changes as recommended by the Civil Service Commission for consideration of the City Council and to present same at the next regular meeting of the Committee of the City Council to be held September 25, 2017. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, the City Council of the City of Alton has agreed to cooperate with SNIP Alliance and to make available certain city facilities to assist the SNIP Alliance in their efforts to promote the spaying and neutering of dogs and cats; and,

Whereas, the Public Works Department has negotiated an agreement with the SNIP Alliance sufficient to meet the desires of each party.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved By The City Council City Of Alton, Illinois That the attached document labeled “SNIP Contract” is hereby approved and that the Mayor and appropriate city officials are authorized and directed to sign the document on behalf of the City of Alton. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, citizens of the City of Alton desire to form a committee to improve the upkeep, restoration, renovation and maintenance of the James Killion Park in the City of Alton; and

Whereas, the committee anticipates raising funds and seeking donation for the support of the James Killion Park; and

Whereas, the City Council of the City of Alton Illinois recognizes the value of James Killion Park and desires to encourage the further improvement and maintenance of the park; and

Whereas, it is appropriate that the City of Alton take steps to ensure that donations made for the limited purpose of restoration, renovation and maintenance of the James Killion Park shall be devoted solely to that purpose and for no other purpose.

Now Therefore Be Resolved By The City Council That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached Agreement pertaining to establishing a committee and fund for the James Killion Park. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said resolution be approved. After some discussion, Ms. Smith made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that said resolution be Laid Over. The Chair so ordered.

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, the Alton Community Unit School District #11 entered into a contract with Wanrack to construct their fiber optic network and part of the network is designed to be constructed within the City’s Right-of-Way; and

Whereas, Wanrack desires to install, operate and maintain a private fiber optic network upon or within certain streets and public rights of way within the municipal boundaries of the City; and

Whereas, the City has authority over the use of public rights of way within its municipal boundaries, and has the right to grant licenses for use and occupancy of rights of way; and

Whereas, Wanrack has agreed to convey certain rights to use its private network facilities to City as described and set forth herein, in order to reasonably compensate the City of Wanrack’s use of said rights of way;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton Illinois, that Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached License Agreement with Wanrack. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, the City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois desires to update its City Code to pertaining to raffle limitations.

Now Therefore Be Resolved By The City Council That the attached ordinance be considered. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, the City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois has received the Plan of the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association including By-Laws, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Contract, and the anticipated cost of the participation in the Plan; and,

Whereas, the City Council finds it to be in the public interest of the City to participate in the Plan.

Now Therefore Be Resolved By The City Council That the attached ordinance be considered. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, Macafee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Whereas, the Administration has recommended modifications to the procedures required by the City Code with regard to the approval and renewal of sidewalk café leases.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois that the Corporation Counselor is hereby requested to work with the office of the Mayor, City Comptroller, and Treasurer to draft an ordinance incorporating the changes recommended to be made by the administration. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mrs. MacAfee, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, Pride Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation qualified as a 501 ( c ) (3) corporation, organized in part for the purpose of beautifying and improving the Alton community; and

Whereas, Pride Inc. has agreed to sponsor the solicitation of donations to fund in part substantial improvements to Gordon Moore Community Park, including the construction of a new concession stand and related facilities; and

Whereas, Pride Inc. previously donated $60,000 to the City of Alton from donations collected by Pride Inc. to further said projects within Gordon Moore Community Park; and

Whereas, it has now been determined that it would be advantageous for all concerned to return the donations thus far received from Pride Inc. to Pride Inc. to better facilitate the improvements contemplated to Gordon Moore Community Park. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, the police department and the fire department of the City of Alton are in dire need of replacement of various emergency vehicles utilized by both departments in the performance of their duties; and

Whereas, there was recently established a city fund known as the Emergency Vehicle Replacement Fund to be held as a separate account by the City Treasurer of the City of Alton, Illinois and to be used for the purpose of purchasing additional vehicles to be utilized by the police department or fire department as needs arise from time to time; and

Whereas, the Emergency Vehicle Replacement Fund will be funded, at least in part, by taxes created from the hotel and motel tax of the City of Alton; and

Whereas, the City Council determines it is appropriate to supplement the funds going into the Emergency Vehicle Replacement Fund by adding additional tax dollars from the City of Alton electricity tax ordinance.

Now Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the Comptroller shall determine on an annual basis commencing with Fiscal Year 2018-2019 the total funds deposited into the Emergency Vehicle Replacement Fund of the City of Alton from the hotel and motel tax revenues of the City of Alton and shall transfer from the General Fund of the City of Alton a sum equal to the difference between $200,000 and those funds deposited from the hotel / motel tax to the Emergency Vehicle Replacement fund each year. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Whereas, the Sewer Fund of the City of Alton is an enterprise fund, which is supported exclusively by the funds derived from monthly user charges paid by users of the wastewater facilities. Being an enterprise fund, the user charge amounts must be sufficient to cover the cost of the operation and maintenance of the City’s wastewater facilities and to generate the additional funds necessary for facilities replacement costs and for debt service on loans obtained by the City for wastewater capital improvement projects; and

Whereas, portions of the City are served by combined sewers which convey both storm water and sanitary sewage; and

Whereas, Special Condition 15 of the City’s NPDES Permit No. IL0027464 issued September 6, 2011, by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, indicated Pursuant to Section 301 of the federal Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1311 And 40 CFR 122.4, discharges from the CSOs shall not cause or contribute to violations of applicable water quality standards or cause use impairment in the receiving waters. In addition, discharges from CSOs shall comply with all applicable parts of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 306.305(a), (b), (c), and (d); and

Whereas, current user charges have been determined to be insufficient to comply with said Special Condition 15 and to cover the costs of the operation and maintenance of the City’s wastewater facilities and to generate the additional funds necessary for facilities replacement costs and for debt service on loans obtained by the City for wastewater capital improvement projects.

Now Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that an ordinance adjusting the sewer service charges to cover the actual cost incurred by the City of Alton to provide sewer services be drafted by the Corporation Counselor to be considered by the City Council. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 6

Nays: Velloff – 1

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton IL, that the best bid of Supreme Trucking & Excavating for demolition of 301 – 303 Dry Street in the amount of $7,899.00 be awarded for Bid #2017 – 18 for the Building & Zoning Department. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton IL, that the best bid of Abatepro, Inc for Asbestos Abatement at 615 East 5th Street in the amount of $l,800.00, be awarded for Bid #2017 – 19 for the Building & Zoning Department. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

First Reading Of Ordinances

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for first reading.

Ordinance No. 7584. An Ordinance establishing the Haskell House Children’s Museum of Alton Commission. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Velloff, that said ordinance be Laid Over. The Chair so ordered.

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for first reading.

Ordinance No. 7585. An Ordinance amending Article E of Chapter 6 of Title 4 of the City Code pertaining to Ambulance Service. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said ordinance be Laid Over. The Chair so ordered.

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for first reading.

Ordinance No. 7586. An Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit to allow 5.67 Kilowatt Solar Photovoltaic Array at the property located at 455 Bluff Street, Alton, Illinois. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said ordinance be LAID OVER. The Chair so ordered.

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for first reading.

Ordinance No. 7587. An Ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that the Rules of the Council be Suspended in order to act upon said ordinance. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds, Mayor Walker – 8

Nays: None – 0

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for second reading.

Ordinance No. 7587. An Ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for first reading.

Ordinance No. 7588. An Ordinance amending the City Code of Alton, Illinois, Chapter 10 Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Section 6-10-4-1 Sewer Service Charges. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that the Rules of the Council be Suspended in order to act upon said ordinance. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds, Mayor Walker – 8

Nays: None – 0

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for second reading.

Ordinance No. 7588. An Ordinance amending the City Code of Alton, Illinois, Chapter 10 Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Section 6-10-4-1 Sewer Service Charges. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 6

Nays: Velloff – 1

Second Reading Of Ordinances

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following ordinance for second reading.

Ordinance No. 7583. An Ordinance amending Section 4 of Chapter 1 of Title 5 of the City Code pertaining to Littering. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said ordinance be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Reports And/Or Resolutions Of Special Committees

The Clerk presented the following Civil Service Commission, re: Minutes of September 6, 2017. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said minutes be placed on file. The Chair so ordered.


Mayor Walker presented the following reappointment of Doug Bader to the Historical Commission and the reappointment of Douglas Martin Sr. to the Alton Housing Authority. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said reappointments be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None - 0

Approval Of Actions Taken Under Suspension Of Rules At Prior Meeting

The Clerk presented the following two (2) resolutions:

1. Whereas, Alderman Velloff has requested that 15th Street between Henry Street and Liberty Street be closed on Sept. 30th from 3:00 p.m. until 11:59 p.m. to facilitate a Neighborhood Block Party.

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City of Alton, Illinois that the Public Works Dept., Police Dept. and Fire Department are hereby authorized and directed to effectuate the temporary closure of 15th Street between Henry Street and Liberty Street on Sept. 30th from 3:00 p.m. until 11:59 p.m.

2. Whereas, the City Council previously authorized the Comptroller to solicit bids for a line of credit from local financial institutions so as to provide a line of credit to be used for the repair of the public safety radio system; and

Whereas, the quotes have now been received.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois that the Comptroller Mayor and appropriate other City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to draw down on a line of credit with Liberty Bank so as to provide necessary funds to repair the public safety radio system in an amount not to exceed $415,000.00 to be repaid over a 10 year period with the terms of said loan being an annual percentage rate of 2.85 with twenty semi-annual payments of principal and interest due commencing in May 2018. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that said resolutions be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Public Forum Addressing City Business

Mayor Pro Tem MacAfee presented the following request for the floor from Joshua Young; Greg Norris. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said request be approved. The Chair so ordered.

Mr. Young took the floor and spoke, re: The “Legacies” of Alton’s demographics; and facilitation on equitous platforms.

Mr. Norris took the floor and spoke, re: Solar & work force development.

Comments Or Resolutions From The Council

Mr. Campbell presented the following resolution:

Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation (Amendment #1) by and between the Illinois Department of Transportation and the City of Alton. Mr. Campbell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Chair so ordered.

Mrs. MacAfee presented the following resolutions:

1. Whereas, the past at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has requested a handicap parking space in front of 10 E. Third Street; and,

Whereas, the Police Department of the City of Alton has conducted a traffic study and made recommendations with regard thereto.

Now Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council The City Of Alton Illinois, that the attached ordinance be considered.

2. Whereas, the City Council of the City of Alton, Illinois deems it advisable to establish “No Parking” zone on the west side of 2500 block of Virden; and

Whereas, the Police Department of the City of Alton has conducted a traffic study and made recommendations with regard thereto.

Now Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council The City Of Alton Illinois, that the attached ordinance be considered.

3. Whereas, a disabled resident has requested a handicap parking space in front of 208 W. Elm Street; and,

Whereas, the Police Department of the City of Alton has conducted a traffic study and made recommendations with regard thereto.

Now Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council The City Of Alton Illinois, that the attached ordinance be considered. Mrs. MacAfee made a motion, seconded by Mr. Velloff, that said resolutions be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Chair so ordered.

Mr. Velloff presented the following resolution:

Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the attached Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Alton, Illinois and Alton Center Business Park, LLC be and is hereby approved, with said funding coming from TIF #1 Project Account. Mr. Velloff made a motion, seconded by Mr. Boulds, that said resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Chair so ordered.

Mr. Brake presented the following resolution:

Whereas, the City Council deems it is in the best interest of the City of Alton to amend the building codes of the City of Alton.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the attached ordinance be considered. Mr. Brake made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said resolution be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Chair so ordered.

Mr. Boulds presented the following three (3) resolutions:

1. Whereas, a citizen has requested, that the intersection at New Belle and Old Belle be closed on September 30, 2017 from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., to facilitate the St. James Baptist Church youth event; and

Whereas, the City Council has considered the request, which was submitted in a timely manner, and does hereby approve said request.

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the Public Works Department, Police Department and Fire Department are hereby authorized and directed (contingent upon all required IDOT approvals where applicable) to effectuate the temporary closure of New Belle and Old Belle on September 30, 2017 from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., on the condition that St. James Baptist Church shall be responsible for any extra labor costs incurred by the City as it relates to this event.

2. Whereas, the City of Alton holds the Lucy Haskell Playhouse Committee Fund; and

Whereas, the Lucy Haskell Playhouse Committee at its September 27, 2017 meeting recommended approval of a payment to Morrissey Contracting Co. Inc. for exterior staining in the amount of $950.00; George Alarm Co. Inc. for one year burglar monitor and lease in the amount of $479.40; and Rick Trudell for material and labor to repair the cellar door in the amount of $175.00; and

Whereas, Our City Comptroller has reviewed the invoices and finds them to be in order and suitable for payment; and

Now Therefore Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois that the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payment from the Lucy Haskell Playhouse Committee Fund to Morrissey Contracting Co. Inc. in the amount of $950.00; George Alarm Co. Inc. in the amount of $479.40; and Rick Trudell in the amount of $175.00 pursuant to the minutes and invoice attached hereto.

3, Whereas, Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC desires to hold a special event on September 30, 2017, between the parking lot and the fountain located at 1 Court Street, which event shall include the outdoor distribution of alcoholic beverages during the Miles for Meso walk; and

Whereas, the sale of alcoholic beverages on the City of Alton property, requires a variance from the Alton City Council.

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the following special event be and is hereby approved pursuant to City of Alton Code 4-4-9 and a variance is hereby granted for sale and distribution of alcoholic liquors on public property:

The Miles for Meso walk shall be entitled to distribute alcoholic liquor on Court Street between the parking lot and the fountain on September 30, 2017, during the Miles for Meso walk to be held on that date with Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC to be responsible for any extra labor costs incurred by the City as it relates to this event. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by

Mrs. Elliott, that the Rules of the Council be Suspended in order to act upon said resolutions. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds, Mayor Walker – 8

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that the above and foregoing resolutions be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Boulds presented the following two (2) resolutions:

1. Whereas, in 2015 $250,000 was deposited to a MIN/MAX escrow/reserve account (fund 246) of the City of Alton to be set aside to insure the cities liability contribution required as part of the participation in IMLRMA would be available when needed; and

Whereas, the contribution required as part of the participation in IMLRMA is now due.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that Treasurer, Comptroller and any other official of the City of Alton required to properly effectuate a transfer are hereby and directed to transfer $250,000 from Fund 246 to the General Fund for the purpose of allowing the Comptroller to make the required contribution for participation in IMLRMA as now due.

2. Whereas, The IT Director has recommended approval of a new contract with Charter Spectrum Business to provide improved IT network/radio connections for Radio Systems Communications in the Alton Fire Department, Alton Police Department, Public Works, Sewer Department a copy of said contract being attached hereto.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved The City Council Of The City Of Alton Illinois that the attached agreement from Charter Spectrum Business be accepted and the IT Director is authorized to execute same on behalf of the City of Alton. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that the Rules of the Council be Suspended in order to act upon said resolutions. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds, Mayor Walker – 8

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that the above and foregoing resolutions be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Boulds presented the following resolution:

Whereas, the Comptroller of the City of Alton has requested certain changes to the current budget of the City of Alton previously approved by the City Council of the City of Alton; and

Whereas, those changes or amendments appear to be necessary and appropriate to perform the functions of the City of Alton.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved By The City Council Of The City Of Alton, Illinois, that the attached Amendment to Ordinance No. 7569 be considered. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that the Rules of the Council be Suspended in order to act upon said resolution and first and second reading of Second Amendment to Ordinance No. 7569. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds, Mayor Walker – 8

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Elliott, that the above and foregoing resolution be approved. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

Mr. Boulds presented the following ordinance for first reading.

Second Amendment to Ordinance No. 7569. An Ordinance making an annual Appropriation for the City of Alton, in the County of Madison, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2017, and ending March 31, 2018.

Mr. Boulds presented the following ordinance for second reading.

Second Amendment to Ordinance No. 7569. An Ordinance making an annual Appropriation for the City of Alton, in the County of Madison, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2017, and ending March 31, 2018, such appropriations are hereby made for the following purposes and objects. Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that said Second Amendment to Ordinance No. 7569 be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0

There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Mr. Boulds made a motion, seconded by Ms. Smith, that said meeting adjourn. The motion passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Campbell, MacAfee, Velloff, Smith, Brake, Elliott, Boulds – 7

Nays: None – 0




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