City of Belleville Electrical Commission met October 23.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Larry Glaenzer
Roll call Of Committee Members:
Mike Maxwell Present
Larry Glaenzer Present
Gary Sheerin Not Present
J.P. Penet Present
Jason Klein Present
Ken Bassler, Electrical Inspector Present
Guests: None
Chairman Glaenzer appointed JP Penet to serve as acting recording secretary in the absence of Gary Scheerin.
Approval Of Minutes:
The minutes of the September 25", 2017 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Motion: Penet
Second: Bassler
Passed Unanimous
Inspectors Report:
• For the month of SEP 2017, there were 59 Housing and 84 Electrical inspections, for a total of 143 inspections.
Unfinished Business:
•Discussion was held regarding distribution of printed guidelines for electrical sign contractors, describing the limits of their work. The draft guidelines were reviewed, and updated with the following changes:
oThe first paragraph changed to read: "Installing and erecting a new sign with proper plan submittals and permit application submitted. Permit may be issued only upon review and approval of all submittals by code official. No work may start without having a permit issued for the specific job."
oSecond sentence of second paragraph to read: "A licensed sign contractor may disconnect the electrical circuit from an existing sign and reconnect the wiring to a new sign.
•Discussion was held regarding Straight Up Solar subletting all electrical work to Pyramid Electric, until Joshua Hill can reapply for his electrical contractor's license. Further discussion was held regarding the need for better Coordination between Building, Electrical and Fire Code officials for permitting of Solar photovoltaic installations. Code officials to meet at their earliest opportunity and work on combined permit submittal and approval requirements.
New Business:
•Discussion regarding electrical sign contractors was handled under unfinished business.
•Discussion was held regarding the use of EMT. Mr Klein provided the following instruction, to be printed in the updated Ameren Service Manual:
The EMT conduit is allowed at the supply side of the service main disconnect, and the requirement must be met as follows:
For electric service installations where galvanized or EMT metallic conduit is used on the supply side of the service main disconnect, bonded bushings or a threaded hub shall only be used at one end of the conduit to prevent appreciable circulating currents from flowing on the equipment enclosures. An exception to this would be when using metallic conduit for protection of the grounding electrode conductor. In this case, the NEC requires bonding on both ends of this metallic conduit to prevent causing a high impedance path or inductive choke.
•Discussion was held regarding Christopher Garofalo's passing the Prometric exam and request to be granted a license as a full-time employee. The ordinance language was reviewed by the Committee. Chairman Glaenzer has sought clarification from the City Attorney to ensure the ordinance is Correctly applied.
No further business was brought before the Belleville Electrical Committee.
Motion to adjourn 6:18 p.m.
Motion: Maxwel
Second: Ken
Passed Unanimous
The next meeting will be held on Monday, November 27, 2017 at 6:00 p.m., at the Mayor's Conference room, second floor of City Hall.