City of Lebanon City Council met June 18.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
1. Consideration of Comprehensive Plan as either a resolution or ordinance?
2. Ordinance of Certificates of occupancy for commercial buildings.
3. Consideration/comments on FOP contract (Discussion Only) Ordinance to approve?
Public Property
1. Discuss that the Residents of Foxmoor 2 wants dead end/no outlet sign at McKendree
Park and Roger Drive Both directions
2. Discussion of the purchase of low-profile light and a siren for the vehicle loaned to the
city from St Clair County.
1. Discussion of speed bumps on Clover Drive.
2. Discussion of controlling of the speed on Fritz St. to include but not limited to speed
bumps, speed limit adjustment, warning lights, etc.
Old Business
New Business
1. Jessica Zurliene would like to address committee with a request to use the city garage
located at 312 W St Louis St.