Madison County Board of Supervisors met Oct. 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Madison County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on 16 October 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room. Chairman Clifton called the meeting to order with Supervisors Price and Duff present.
Duff moved, Price seconded, to approve the consent agenda; motion carried unanimously.
Resolutions Approved Unanimously
Price moved, Duff seconded: SPV-101618A Setting date for public hearing on the proposal to incur non-current debt of $150,000.00 for 9:00 a.m. on 30 OCT 2019. Duff moved, Price seconded: SPV-101618B Approve amendment to MOU-2018-HAD61 between Madison County and Iowa Department of Public Health to include St. Charles Fire Rescue and to Approve Madison County Public Health Administrator, Sharon Miller, as the Board Authorized Signatory; SR-101618 Approve the agreement between Madison County and Iowa Department of Transportation for County Bridge Construction Funding Program for Project BRS-WSAP- C061 (108)-FF-61; TO-101618 Approve abatement of taxes totaling $78.00 for MAR payment of Fiscal Year Ending 2019 for mobile home VIN 15377 owned by B&C Iowa Property Inc.
Supervisors reported on their boards. Duff reported that the Madison County Emergency Management Coordinator, Todd Brown, is resigning end of MAY 2019 and wonders if the County might consider collaborating with another county to share a coordinator. Price reported that splitting the exterior courthouse repairs into two phases would increase the project cost by $400,000.00, and splitting it into four phases would add $800,000.00. He recommends that the project be done as one effort depending on availability of funding. Clifton reported that Cerro Gordo County withdrew its request to become part of the CICS Mental Health Region.
County Engineer Todd Hagan met with the Board. Cottonwood Ave bridge project is letting on 16 OCT. The federal and state bridge bundling fund program will include two bridges from Madison County—ones on Clark Tower Rd and Hogback Bridge Rd.
During public input, Clifton moved, Duff seconded, to receive from Nancy Forrest and file the position description for Buena Vista County’s Roadside Manager and Vegetation Specialist; motion carried unanimously. Following public input, Price moved, Clifton seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 10:03; motion carried unanimously.
Phillip Clifton, Chairman, Board of Supervisors
Claims Total by Fund:
General Basic 296201.63
General Supplemental 11032.92
Rural Basic 1698.36
Conservation Capital Projects 4500.00
Secondary Road 68961.33
Conservation Special Resource 5.49
Emergency Management 252.46
Assessor’s Agency 585.68
Intergovernmental – Fuel 17470.88
Intergovernmental – Postage Meter 24.70
Group Health Insurance 2191.00
Handwritten 154990.16
TOTAL $ 557914.61