City of O'Fallon Fire Pension Board will meet on January 31.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Opening
1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Public Comments
1.3 Approval of Minutes of October 24, 2019
1.4 Correspondence
2. Application for Membership
2.1 Bradley White
2.2 Seat Brad White on the Fire Pension Board
2.3 Discuss retirement of Brent Saunders and transition to Deferred Pensioner
3. Bills
3.1 Dennis Orsey 19-1
3.2 Zemenick and Walker 19-2
4. Investment Report
4.1 Review Investment Report from John Johnson
5. Old Business
5.1 Status of Board members receiving 2018 trustee training.
5.2 Discuss IDOI Compliance Audit Examination and response.
6. New Business
6.1 Discuss Trustee attendance at educational seminars
6.2 Review and discuss tax levy ordinance
6.3 Status of filing of Statement of Economic Interest with County Clerk
6.4 Discuss Illinois Finance Entity Forms due February 28, 2019.
7. Application for Benefits
8. Adjournment
8.1 NEXT MEETING DATE (Thurs., April 25, 2019 @ 4:30 p.m.)