City of Jerseyville City Council will meet on January 29.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Approve Minutes of Last Regular Meeting 01/15/19
Approve the Bills as Presented
Discussion & Possible Approval of the Appointment of Laura Woodring to Fill the Unexpired Term of Elizabeth Smilack- Term to Expire 7/1/2021
Discussion & Possible Approval of the Appointment of Joshua Hileman to Fill the Unexpired Term of Andy Thomas-Term to Expire 7/1/2020
Discussion & Possible Approval of An Ordinance Amending the Jerseyville City Code Regarding Transferability of Liquor Licenses and Special Uses for Liquor
Discussion & Possible Approval of the Recommendation of the TIF Advisory Board Regarding the TIF Application of Terry & Debra Wedding for 309 N State St
Public Comment
Motion to Go into Closed Session to Discuss Possible Sale/Purchase of Real Estate and
Action as a Result of the Closed Session