City of Alton Committee of the Whole met Feb. 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order.
2. Roll Call.
3. Audit of Accounts.
4. Laid Over Resolution, re: Representatives of Element Turf & Outdoor Solutions, LLC have requested the renewal of their existing contract with the City of Alton and that the Mayor and appropriate city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute any and all appropriate documents to extend the existing contract between the Element Turf & Outdoor Solutions, LLC.
5. Resolution, re: That certain streets be closed on Saturday, March 16, 2019, from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. to facilitate a St. Patrick’s Day event.
6. Resolution, re: The property owned by the City of Alton commonly known as 26 E. 6th Street, Alton, Illinois is found to be surplus property owned by the City of Alton and is no longer necessary to any public purpose of the City of Alton and that the attached NOTICE OF SALE concerning 26 E. 6th Street, Alton, Illinois be published by the City Clerk for three consecutive weeks in a qualified newspaper published in the City of Alton.
7. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 1621 Belle St.
8. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 370 McInerney St.
9. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 1228 Belle St.
10. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 1918 Piasa St.
11. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 1617 Piasa St.
12. Resolution, re: The City has determined that it is not necessary or appropriate to defend through litigation all of the requirements established by Ordinance No. 7645 in reviewing applications for PSEBA benefits and that an ordinance be considered to repeal City of Alton Ordinance No. 7645.
13. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 1702 Market St.
14. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 2041 Alby St.
15. Resolution, re: The property owned by the City of Alton commonly known as 619 E. Broadway, Alton, Illinois is found to be surplus property owned by the City of Alton and is no longer necessary for any public purpose of the City of Alton and that the attached NOTICE OF SALE be published by the City Clerk for three consecutive weeks in a qualified newspaper published in the City of Alton.
16. Resolution, re: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payment from the Alton Municipal Band Fund to Martha Roberts in the amount of $40.00 and Schwarzkopf Printing in the amount of $350.00 pursuant to the invoices and minutes attached hereto.
17. Resolution, re: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payment from the Lucy Haskell Playhouse Committee Fund to: SnM Works LLC in the amount of $240.00 pursuant to the minutes and invoices attached hereto.
18. Resolution, re: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the “Local Public Agency Agreement for Federal Participation” between the Illinois Department of Transportation and the City of Alton for the reconstruction of sidewalks along College Avenue from Pleasant Street to Holman Street, along Johnson Street from College Avenue to Tremont Street and along Rock Springs Drive from College Avenue to Memorial Drive known as Section 17-00231-02-SW.
19. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 1125 Long Ave.
20. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 1140 Long Ave.
21. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 2305 Young St.
22. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 2303 Young St.
23. Resolution, re: That the following described street(s)/road(s)/structure be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for roadway/street improvements: Washington Ave. from College Ave. to 130 ft. North of Salu St. and that the proposed improvement shall consist of pavement patching, pavement milling, hot-mix asphalt resurfacing, sidewalk curb ramp upgrades and other miscellaneous items of construction.
24. Resolution, re: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the “Local Public Agency Agreement for Federal Participation” between the Illinois Department of Transportation and the City of Alton for the construction of improvements to Washington Avenue from College Avenue to north of Salu Street known as Section 15-00237-00-PV.
25. Resolution, re: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payment from the Western Military Academy Memorial Site fund to Alton Memorial Sales for four memorial bricks in the amount of $17.50, Professional Landscaping in the amount of $295.00 and Camp Electric in the amount of $6,170.00 pursuant to the minutes and invoice attached.
26. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 515 Lampert St.
27. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 2226 Seminary St.
28. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 2628 Yager Ave.
29. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 2623 Yager Ave.
30. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 2617 Yager Ave.
31. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 3102 Franor St.
32. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 3552 Fullerton Ave
33. Resolution, re: To commence with demolition proceedings concerning 2704 Claire Ave.
34. Resolution, re: That the Mayor and appropriate city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Alton the attached CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER and SPECTRUM ENTERPRISE SERVICE AGREEMENT and TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FORM/AGREEMENT.
35. Resolution, re: That the attached ordinance be considered pertaining to business licenses.
36. Bid Report and Resolution, re: Washington Avenue Sanitary Sewer Improvements.
37. Adjourn.