
Metro East Sun

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sen. Plummer commits to curbing Illinois tax hikes

Republican state Sen. Jason Plummer (R-Edwardsville) wants to put an end to Illinois’ out-of-control taxes.

The newly elected lawmaker is throwing his support behind a plan to curb tax hikes across the state. The push is branded as part of the Illinois Senate Republican Caucus’ overall effort to bolster the middle class.

As another part of the effort, fellow Republican state Sen. Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods) recently filed Senate Joint Resolution Constitutional Amendment 12, which calls for an amendment to Illinois’ Constitution aimed at slowing the increase of fees and taxes by mandating that all such acts require a two-thirds supermajority vote in both the Senate and House of Representatives.

“Enough is enough,” Plummer said in a press release. “Middle-income families need enhanced protections against Illinois’ money-hungry politicians. When government continues to create ways to reach into the pockets of their residents, the least we can do is provide taxpayers with an avenue of defense. They need a seat at the table.”

Plummer pointed to the national trend where 15 states now require some kind of supermajority before lawmakers are being able to add new taxes.

“We’re seeing state after state adopt this type of protection,” he said. “States all around are moving in this direction in order to help protect taxpayers and ensure tax increases aren’t just passing willy-nilly.”