City of Granite City Downtown Committee met Nov. 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Dan Mcdowell
Andy Mathes
Brian Konzen
Brian Konzen
Gerald Williams
Tammie Gracey
Paul Jackstadt
Tim Elliott
Brad Eavenson
Ed Hagnauer
Walmer Schmidtke
Alderman McDowell called the Downtown Committee Meeting to order.
McDowell stated that we are going to hear from some of the Downtown Business Owners.
Joe Juneau from Juneau & Associates, John from Jerrys, Debbie from Omega Music, Judy from Revival, Denzel from Auto Tech and Brenda from Tea Room/Downtown Dinner etc. all spoke about the problems with the homeless, trash, theft, and panhandling going on in the Downtown area.
Willaredt updated the Council on the issues with the abandon buildings, the previous issues with the Relax Inn.
Lt. Parkinson spoke on the Homeless issue, the Mentally Ill that have been dropped off in our area and updated everyone with what the Police Department are doing to correct the issues.
MOTION By McDowell, second by Mathes to Adjourn the Downtown Committee Meeting.
ALL VOTED YES. Motion Carried.