
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Edwardsville Public Safety Committee met March 14

City of Edwardsville Public Safety Committee met March 14

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Members Present:

Alderwoman Janet Stack

Alderman Chris Farrar

Alderwoman Jennifer Warren

Other Present:

James Whiteford, Fire Chief 

Mike Fillback, Director of Police

Eric Williams, Director of Public Works

Cathy Hensley, Communication Coordinator 

Anna Roseman, Fire Department

The Edwardsville Public Safety Committee meeting was called to order by Alderwoman Janet Stack at 5:30 p.m. in the Governor Edwards Conference Room, 118 Hillsboro Avenue with a quorum present: Alderwoman Janet Stack, via Zoom, Alderman Chris Farrar and Alderwoman Jennifer Warren. 

Motion by Alderman Farrar, second by Alderwoman Warren to allow Alderwoman Stack to participate remotely. Motion carried, Stack, Farrar and Warren voted aye.

Public Comment: N/A

Approval of Minutes:

Motion by Alderwoman Stack, second by Alderwoman Warren to approve minutes from the Public Safety Committee meeting held Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Motion carried, Stack, Farrar and Warren voted aye.

Police Department: N/A

Fire Department:

Action Item(s): 

Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase of Two (2) Weather Warning Siren LTE Upgrades for a Total Cost of $35,372.00.

This resolution is to upgrade two (2) of the eight (8) weather warning siren with modern LTE technology. GTSI is the service provider for repairs and maintenance of the existing sirens. This is a planned expense to be paid out of the Capital Equipment Fund.

Motion by Alderwoman Stack, second by Alderwoman Warren for an approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase of Two (2) Weather Warning Siren LTE Upgrades for a Total Cost of $35,372.00. Motion carried, Stack, Farrar and Warren voted aye. 

Old Business: 

New Business: 

Action Item(s):

Change Order No. 3 for the East Fire Station Project in the amount of $20,663.62 This Change Order No. 3 is to add directional boring of a 16" steel casing under Governor's Parkway and to replace sinks with under mount sinks.

Motion by Alderwoman Stack, second by Alderman Farrar for an approval of a Change Order No. 3 for the East Fire Station Project in the amount of $20,663.62. Motion carried, Stack, Farrar and Warren voted aye.

Change Order No. 4 for the East Fire Station Project in the amount of $24,891.53 This Change Order No. 4 is to install frost walls for radiant heat pads outside of apparatus bay doors.

Motion by Alderwoman Stack, second by Alderwoman Warren for an approval of a Change Order No. 4 for the East Fire Station Project in the amount of $24,891.53. Motion carried, Stack, Farrar and Warren voted aye.

The next regular scheduled meeting of the Public Safety Committee is Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Motion to adjourn by Alderwoman Stack, second by Alderman Farrar. With no further business at hand the meeting was adjourned at 5:41 p.m. Motion carried, Stack, Farrar and Warren voted aye.
