
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Fairview Heights Operations Committee met April 12

City of Fairview Heights Operations Committee met April 12

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Committee Members in attendance - Aldermen Josh Frawley - video/teleconference, Anthony LeFlore, Brenda Wagner, Pat Peck, Bill Poletti, Mayor Mark Kupsky, Ex-officio 

Committee Members absent - None 

Other Aldermen and Elected Officials in attendance – Aldermen Frank Menn, Ryan Vickers, Barb Brumfield, Denise Williams 

Staff in attendance - City Attorney Andrew Hoerner, Finance Director Gina Rader - video/teleconference, Human Resource Manager Becky Thompson - video/teleconference, IT Manager Chris Elliott - video/teleconference, Police Chief Steven Johnson, Public Works Director John Harty, Administrative Assistant Kathy Frawley 

Recorder - Jill Huffman 

Public Participation 


Approval of Minutes, March 15, 2023 

Motion and second to approve minutes were made by Aldermen Peck/Poletti. Roll call vote: Aldermen Frawley – yes, LeFlore – yes, Wagner - yes, Peck - yes, Poletti – yes. Motion carried. 

Law Enforcement Committee 

Alderman Josh Frawley, Chairman 


The Chief of Police presented his written report to the elected officials for their review. 

The Chief relayed a police K9 is available (mostly trained) and that the training for the handler will begin in three weeks. The Chief stated he has used this trainer previously, who also trains dogs for the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. Although police dogs will pursue, there has been a shift in how police dogs are trained. A softer training approach is being used allowing these K9s to socialize at schools and community events. 

Alderman Peck questioned if escrow funds are in this year's budget to which the Chief responded he is unsure. 

Aldermen Peck relayed that she has read that police dogs are trained not to sniff out cannabis and questioned if this is how this dog will be trained. The Chief stated this dog will not be trained for cannabis, but will be trained for everything else. 

Regarding the Police Department - Monthly Report, Alderman Peck questioned where the K9 dog was from to which the Chief replied the dog was from the Caseyville Police Department. The response time from Caseyville is decent, however, the officer/dog may be on a call or the dog is not available. Having a K9 in the Fairview Heights Police Department will be a significant benefit, however, it is only one dog and will be available on one shift only. The ultimate goal is for the department to have two dogs. 

Regarding the last instance in the Police Department - Monthly Report, Alderman Peck questioned if apprehension was made of a suspect, where a ghost gun was recovered and a suspected controlled substance was located, utilizing a K9? The Chief replied he would have to review and reply later. 

Alderman Brumfield questioned if ghost guns are plastic, homemade, have a serial number on them, and if any State or Federal agency is attempting to make them illegal? The Chief stated ghost guns are illegal and State and Federal task forces are having a meeting to discuss the penalties for these guns. He commented that there has been an increase in ghost guns. 

Alderman Frawley stated that a ghost gun was recovered by the Police Department, and that these guns are illegal. 

Alderman Frawley commented that he has served as Chairman of the Law Enforcement Committee with four police chiefs and expressed his appreciation to the Council for the continued dedication and support of the City's law enforcement staff and public safety. 

Alderman Wagner stated she commends the Police Department, with the Chief being the leader, focusing on breast cancer awareness, obtaining a police dog, and making the community more approachable with police officers. This shows unity within the police force and truly is a family. 

Alderman Vickers questioned ghost guns serial numbers to which the Chief replied that ghost guns are not marked in any way and are primarily manufactured in a house or garage. These guns are being used by gangs and hardened criminals. 

The Chief stated a community event is schedule tomorrow night in The Fountains subdivision. Hot dogs will be grilled. The Mayor commented this is a neighborhood event and not an event for the entire City. The Chief will have a schedule for these events in various neighborhoods rotating through all five wards during the summer. Alderman Peck questioned the parking situation and the Chief relayed they have a plan for parking and believes most residents will walk to the event. 

Public Works Committee 

Alderman Bill Poletti, Chairman 

Alderman Poletti noted a change on the Agenda. Items 2 through 6 regarding Market Place Streetscape Conveyances will be presented at the Community Committee Meeting, under Planning, due to not having received all of the financial data in time for this meeting. Alderman Peck questioned what financial information is missing to which the Director of Public Works replied that the costs listed in the Director's Report were estimates. 


Director Harty stated that bids were opened on April 6 with two responsive bidders - Electrico, Inc., $779,616.79, and Wissehr Electric $330,173.80 two local companies. One bid was significantly higher than the other, therefore, staff reviewed the bids and they were found to be accurate. The Director has discussed with Wissehr Electric their submitted bid and they stand behind their bid. The Mayor asked the anticipated cost to which the Director replied approximately $423,000. 

Motion and second to forward to City Council with recommendation of approval for the Mayor to enter into a contract with Wissehr Electric, Inc. for the installation of the Emergency Vehicle Preemption System equipment at 27 signalized intersections in the City for a lump sum amount of $330,173.80 by Aldermen Wagner/LeFlore. Roll call vote showed Aldermen Frawley - yes, LeFlore - yes, Wagner - yes, Peck - yes, Poletti - yes. Motion carried. 


The Director of Public Works relayed that the loader is no longer of use to the City's functions and requests that it be retired from the City's fleet and sent to auction in Clinton, Illinois. The location of the auction is more visible to the farming community where this type of equipment may be more useful. 

Motion and second to remove the Caterpillar 935 Track Loader from the City's inventory by means of auction by Aldermen Peck/LeFlore. Roll call vote showed Aldermen Frawley - yes, LeFlore - yes, Wagner - yes, Peck - yes, Poletti - yes. Motion carried. 


The Director of Public Works presented his written report to the elected officials for their review. 

The Director commented that construction started on the Mark and Cari Drive project on March 27 and that the contractor is making good progress on the storm sewer installation. This project will most likely be in construction through the summer months. The residents have been very receptive of the construction activity. 

The Director stated that at the Union Hill Road watermain replacement project, traffic control has been removed and concrete patching has been completed. The contractor will proceed with grading and seeding of yards. 

Alderman Wagner stated that in the past, she has spoken with the Director regarding the intersection of Longacre Drive and Ruby Lane and that the patching is rough when leaving 

Longacre Drive and traveling north onto Ruby Lane. She believes this is the area repaired by the City of O'Fallon and requests that the Director speak with a representative from the City of O'Fallon regarding this area. 

Alderman Vickers relayed that the area on Union Hill Road nearing Lincoln Trail (near the apartments and Kennedi Auto Sales), is also pretty rough. 

The Director stated that the City will be involved with the final walk through of the Union Hill Road project before the contractor is released and receives final payment. 

Alderman Peck stated that although Ashland Avenue is not maintained by the City, the lane markings by Pontiac School have disintegrated and requests the Director contact the St. Clair County Highway Department, as well as for the potential of resurfacing Ashland Avenue. The County has patched the road again, however, the patching is bumpy. 

Alderman Poletti mentioned that 13 has been in the Fox Creek subdivision soliciting new installations for internet service. The Mayor stated he has been in communication with 13 and they will be opening an office in Fairview Heights next month and they have been advised not to solicit in the City. 

Discussed virtual attendance at city meetings and the Mayor stated that virtual attendance will cease once the executive order regarding COVID ends. The legislature is working through steps to potentially allow communities to have remote meetings and the City has established rules once the State Legislature allows for it. The City's Ordinance states the procedure regarding the absence at city meetings. Once the Governor's order regarding COVID ends on May 10, unless something changes, virtual meetings will cease to exist for elected officials' participation. Meetings will continue to be virtual for public participation. Alderman Vickers requested that meetings be streamed over Facebook. The Mayor stated that a government streaming is different that an individual streaming on Facebook. 

Alderman Wagner requested that anyone soliciting in the City wear an identifying lanyard. 

Alderman Frawley stated at the intersection of Union Hill Road and Longacre Drive, at the very north end, the retaining wall seems to be failing and the fence on top of the wall is leaning and requests this be added to the punch list of the Union Hill Road waterline project with the City of O'Fallon. 

Motion to adjourn the Operations Committee Meeting by Aldermen Peck/Wagner. 

Adjournment 7:29 p.m. 
