
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Belleville City Council met May 15

City of Belleville City Council met May 15

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Gregory called this meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

City Clerk Gain Meyer called roll. Members present on roll call: Alderperson Whitaker, Alderperson Schneider, Alderperson Duco, Alderperson Randle, Alderperson Ferguson, Alderperson Anthony, Alderperson Dintelman, Alderperson Schaefer, Alderperson Stiehl, Alderperson Rothweiler, Alderperson Elmore, Alderperson Weygandt, Alderperson Sullivan, Alderperson Osthoff. 

Excused: Alderperson Eros, Alderperson Ovian. 


City Clerk Gain Meyer called roll of Department Heads: City Treasurer, Sarah Biermann; City Attorney, Garrett Hoerner; Police Chief, Matt Eiskant; Fire Chief, Lloyd Stinson; Finance Director, Jamie Maitret; Director of Public Works, Jason Poole; Director of Wastewater, Randy Smith; Library Director, Leander Spearman; Director of IT, Eric Walls; City Engineer, Sal Elkott; Director of Health, Housing & Building, Scott Tyler; Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross; Director of Human Resources, William Clay. 

Excused: Director of Communications & PR, Kathy Kaiser. 





Michael Hagberg: 701 Centreville Avenue. This is about the Bellevue Plaza TIF District. As I stated I am not in favor of rewarding property owners for pocketing rent money and failing to invest in the upkeep of their property. I believe the only vacant building in the proposed district is the old Sears Parts building behind the shopping complex. Therefore, vacancies should not be a checkmark on the TIF eligibility test. This area is in an Enterprise Zone. This makes property owners eligible for a five- year 50% tax abatement on increased assessments due to any improvements. This abatement is available now to all owners in the proposed district. It does not require the City to spend $29,000 to create our 24th TIF District. If TIF is created, then per State law, these abatements are no longer available to the property owners. During Economic Committee, one of the Aldermen stated, we have to do something, I contend, no. The City does not have to spend $29,000 just to do something. Another Aldermen stated the area needs an anchor store. I ask, what anchor store do you have in mind, and where are they going to be located? Are you planning on evicting the current lease holders? Do you really think that sprucing up the facade is going to entice Nieman Marcus to open a retail store in the Plaza? When a TIF is created, funding is very limited because a TIF only receives property taxes on the increased assessments. It will be years before the TIF finances enough to front end load business agreements, unless of course, the City has plans to take funding from the abutting TIF 3. If so, this should be acknowledged sooner rather than later. The roll of government in a free society is not to pick and choose which business investors receive government funds, by forcibly taking those funds from the average citizens. I am hoping with the current Enterprise Zone abatement in place, you vote no, not to spend $29,000 on the creation of this TIF. 

Mark Peters: 105 Edgewater Drive. I am here representing Healthier Together, it is a local Not-For- Profit working through the entire county, St. Clair County. Our mission is basically this, we work with communities, organizations, schools, churches, businesses one community at a time to try and encourage great opportunities for those coalitions to create the opportunity for people to be healthier. We have done a lot of projects here in Belleville, we focus primarily on the prevention side of health care, our partners consist of both the County's Health Departments and all three of our County's Hospitals and Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation and I just wanted to say that I (inaudible) tonight I was very encouraged to see that you are putting together a bicycle and pedestrian master plan on the agenda. Thank you very much for considering this and my experience means that you are well ahead of the curve and the impact of it, economically and for the health of the citizens, is a great investment. Should you go forward with this plan, I just wanted to offer any support that Healthier Together can provide. Essentially, we are working through the schools in the community now which supports the relationship continuance. 

Margie Eubanks: 612 East Garfield. I am here about the item regarding Zoning Use on our street for an Air BNB and I submitted a petition that was signed by some of the people in our neighborhood. I am sitting with the people who are petitioning to make their home an Air BNB. I could not ask for nicer neighbors and it is not anything about the people, it is about the idea of having another Air BNB on the street. So, I would like to just voice the concerns that we have. We, the undersigned petition against another Air BNB on historic, brick lined Garfield "Cow" Street. We have one owner occupied Air BNB (#620) that has its own driveway with parking. Whereas #616 is right next door to #620, and has no off-street parking, and will not be owner occupied. Garfield Street is a residential neighborhood with historic significance. Parking is at a premium currently. Most homes have tow cars and street parking only. That is my concern. 

Dr. Guy and Becky Venuti: Owners of 616 East Garfield Street. We want to say thank you to Maggie for her comments, we really enjoy having her as a neighbor and we want you to know that we are here to open an Air BNB so that we can honor the house. Number one, it is a beautiful historic home, secondly we would like (inaudible) to Belleville so that people have a place to stay, specifically we are looking at people 24 and over, professionals, medical, dental, people that are coming into the area with our two big hospitals, military as well. We would also like to have a place where folks can stay for Art on the Square, Tour de Belleville and the summer concerts in June and July. We hope to be respectful of our neighbors' concerns doing our best job possible to keep historical significance, we have hired a professional decorator and so we really just hope to keep that house absolutely beautiful. As for the parking on congestion goes in the street, I understand where Ms. Eubanks is coming from, but we plan on having one or two cars at a time showing up for a few nights. If we had a renter, we would have someone there constantly so having the Air BNB would mitigate that congestion. Thank you for having us and the opportunity to speak. 


Mayor Gregory invited Colonel Glenn Collins to speak. 

Mayor Gregory read a proclamation in honor of all graduating high school seniors proclaiming May 2023 as 'High School Senior Recognition Month'. 

Alderperson Randle made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve Mayor Gregory's appointment of Mike Schaefer as Maintenance Director, effective May 16, 2023, 12:01am. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff. (14) 

Motion carries. 

Alderperson Dintelman made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve Mayor Gregory's recommendations to reappoint: 

Neil 'Skip' MacEwen to serve a 2-year term on the Cemetery Board. 

August E. Werner, Jr. to serve a 3-year term on the Fire Pension Board. 

Tom Dinges to serve a 2-year term on the Police Pension Board. 

Mary Smith and Helen Thompson to serve a 3-year term on the Library Board. 

Don Rigney to serve a 3-year term on the Planning Commission. 

And appointment of Angelia Blackman-Donovan to serve a 1-year term on the Historic Preservation Commission. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Schneider, Duco, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker. (14) 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Stiehl made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve City Council Meeting Minutes and Executive Session Minutes of May 1, 2023. 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Rothweiler made a motion second by Alderperson Ferguson to approve claims and disbursements in the amount of $2,844,841.81 and payroll in the amount of $999,918.83. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Duco, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider. (14) 

Motion carries. 





Alderperson Whitaker made a motion second by Alderperson Rothweiler to approve the following: 

Motion to approve a contract with T-Mobile as new carrier for City cell phones. 

Motion to approve a contract with AT & T as new internet provider for all City buildings in the amount of $11,187.48 monthly. 

Motion to approve a contract with Payment Service Network (PSN) to continue accepting payments on behalf of the City. 

Motion to approve paying off balance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 2012 by July 1, 2023. 

Motion to approve FY24 Budget Amendments as recommended by the Finance Director (prior year encumbrances). 

Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco. (14) 

Motion carries. 


02-JAN23 — Lisa & Robert Diserens: Request for a Special Use Permit to operate an Air BNB at 410-412 East C Street (08-22.0-323-004) located in an "A-1" Single-Family Residence District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.094, 162.515) Ward 2. Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously recommended Approval IN THE NAME OF THE APPLICANT ONLY, with a vote of 6- 0. Tabled for 60-day on February 6, 2023 

13-APR23-William F. Frerichs: Request for a Map Amendment to rezone the property commonly known as 312 Sahlender Street (08-17.0-511-004/005/006) from "A-1" Single-Family Residence District to "D-1” Light Industry District (Applicable section of the Zoning Code: 162.590) Ward 3. Zoning Board of Appeals recommended Approval, with a vote of 4-1 

14-APR23-Janice Pittman: Request for a Special Use Permit to operate an AirBnB at 8115 West Main Street (07-01.0-114-064) located in a "A-1" Single-Family Residence District. (Applicable sections of the City and Zoning Code: 34.043, 154.15, 154.46, 154.49, 162.094, 162.515) Ward 4. Zoning Board of Appeals recommended Approval IN THE NAME OF THE APPLICANT ONLY, with a vote of 5-0 

15-APR23-Jodie Ferguson: Request for a Special Use Permit for outdoor dining/seating at 732 South Illinois Street, Suite B (08-28.0-234-004) located in a "D-1” Light Industry District. (Applicable sections of the City and Zoning Code: 118.01, 162.307, 162.515) Ward 6. Zoning Board of Appeals recommended Approval IN THE NAME OF THE APPLICANT ONLY, with a vote of 5-0 

16-APR23-Jodie Ferguson: Request for a Special Use Permit for a liquor license at 732 South Illinois Street, Suite B (08-28.0-234-004) located in a "D-1” Light Industry District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.308, 162.515) Ward 6. Zoning Board of Appeals recommended Approval IN THE NAME OF THE APPLICANT ONLY, with a vote of 5-0 

18-APR23-Ashland Storage Centers East: Request for a Special Use Permit to expand and operate the existing self-storage facility with outdoor operations at 653 Carlyle Avenue (08-23.0-305-020) located in a "C-2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.248, 162.515) Ward 7. Zoning Board of Appeals recommended Approval, with a vote of 5-0 

Alderperson Schaefer made a motion second by Alderperson Elmore to approve the request as read. 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries. 

17-APR23-Guy & Becky Venuti: Request for a Special Use Permit to operate an AirBnB at 616 East Garfield Street (08-27.0-134-014) located in a "A-1" Single-Family Residence District. (Applicable sections of the City and Zoning Code: 34.043, 154.15, 154.46, 154.49, 162.094, 162.515) Ward 6. Zoning Board of Appeals recommended Approval IN THE NAME OF THE APPLICANT ONLY, with a vote of 5-0 

Alderperson Schaefer made a motion second by Alderperson Stiehl to approve the request as read. 

Alderperson Rothweiler: As you know from this Council, I am not a fan of Air BNBs, generally. I think it hurts our chance of getting a hotel here in town. Having said that, there are a couple of issues here to look at. The first issue is we have a committee putting together things right now to deal with Air BNBs. They are not finished at this time. I understand the concerns of the neighbors that are around those, they don't want one right next door to the other one, that is there at this time. It is the Historic District. However, as I usually go back to, where are we today? Today we don't have anything that prohibits this, we had Zoning look at this, it meets the Zoning requirements, we just passed two or three other ones that are on this list, they met the Zoning requirements etc, and we just approved those. I understand the concerns, we need to get those regulations done and get that in place for Air BNBs if we are going to deal with this and do that. Also, in the interest I know the applicant personally, I will be abstaining from the vote for that reason, because I have known him through the Mason's, he is a great guy, but I can't vote yes or no based on my relationship with him in this particular case. Where are we now? We have approved points previously etc. so I will leave it up to the Council but those are my thoughts on this. 

Alderperson Stiehl: I need to read into the record the petition that was submitted by Maggie Eubanks and it says the City of Belleville because my due diligence as the Alderperson in Ward 6, I need to read that there were nine people from Garfield Street that signed this and seven people from Abend Street and We, the Undersigned petition against another Air BNB on historic, brick lined Garfield "Cow" Street. We have one owner occupied Air BNB (#620) that has its own driveway with parking. Whereas #616 is right next door to #620, and has no off-street parking, and will not be owner occupied. Garfield Street is a residential neighborhood with historic significance. Parking is at a premium currently. Most homes have two cars and street parking only. 

Alderperson Schaefer: I heard that there are sixteen, how many of them are from different homes though? Like those sixteen could be people from the same homes, do you know what I am saying? You have to think about it, is that sixteen or is that maybe eight between those two streets. How can we say, I feel for them, I feel for the people that don't, how can we say yes to one, that is on Garfield and no to another. I just don't think that is fair on our part. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Ferguson, Anthony, Schaefer, Stiehl, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Randle. (12) 

Members voting nay on roll call: Dintelman (1) 

Members abstaining: Rothweiler (1) 


Motion carries. 


Alderperson Anthony made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve a contract with Omnigo in the amount of $857,677.78, June 1, 2023 through June 1, 2028. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Randle, Ferguson. (14) 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Randle made a motion second by Alderperson Whitaker to approve a Joint Funding Agreement with IDOT in the amount of $948,000.00 for Lebanon Avenue (From "F" Street to South of Elmwood Drive and Bristow Street to Illinois 161) (ARPA/STE FUNDS) 

Members voting aye on roll call: Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony. (14) 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Whitaker made a motion second by Alderperson Ferguson to approve a contract with Oates Associates to develop a bicycle and pedestrian master plan in the amount of $72,500.00 (City portion $43,500.00) contingent upon the Metro East Parks & Recreation District grant award (ARPA FUNDS). 

Motion to approve Amended Development Schedule for Redevelopment Agreement (as Amended) with Missionary Ventures, LLC by and through its Assignee Royal Banks of Missouri and Court- appointed Receiver. 

Motion to approve Consent to Partial Assignment of Redevelopment Agreement by Royal Banks of Missouri in favor of Zoom at Marian Bluffs, LLC with consent of Missionary Ventures, LLC. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman. (14) 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Randle made a motion second by Alderperson Weygandt to approve a Development Agreement with Eye on Design, Inc. for the remodeling of the existing facility located at 309 East Main Street. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer. (14) 

Motion carries. 

Alderperson Randle made a motion second by Alderperson Stiehl to approve a contract for Professional Services with Moran Economic Development for the proposed Bellevue Plaza TIF District Establishment. 

Alderman Randle: I don't think I could have stated it more eloquently than what Mr. Hagberg did in Public Participation. I have no doubt that Moran Economic Development will come back with a service, a professional service completed that will outline everything needed okay for this TIF District to be established. It has happened before I watched it happen okay with the Hofbräuhaus and the development out there where everything under the sun, every pothole, everything that was bad was photographed and submitted as rationale for completing the proposal there. I have spent several hours okay going around the area over there, would it be nice okay if people were to reinvest in their property, absolutely okay. Would it be nice if the City had something available to offer those business owners okay the people that own the property themselves okay to be able to receive some kind of incentive and tax abatement is there already. The biggest issue I see with Bellevue Park Plaza okay has to do with the parking lot okay, it hasn't been updated it hasn't been resurfaced in who knows how long. On the back side of the property where the old Sears location was it is a disaster okay, it is almost non-existent in some places in terms of a parking lot. I don't believe a TIF would allow them to actually do a parking lot in of itself. The building itself okay would be the property owner's responsibility to upkeep that property. I am not in favor of spending the money okay for this Services Contract the way that it sits, knowing full well that has happened in the past okay with other page TIF Districts who weren't able to stand alone. TIFs, I believe, should be able to stand alone, they should be able to fund themselves. We have done on numerous occasions taken money, they have called it borrowing, there is no borrowing from TIF 3, when the money is never paid back. It is not borrowing, legally you can do it. It is in the Act. You can take those funds from another TIF that abuts that TIF and then spend the money over there, but I don't think with everything else that we have available to us in terms of being able to resurface our streets that are in TIF 3 and using the money appropriately for that and the other infrastructure needs that we have, that putting that money at risk okay in this particular fashion, I don't believe is a sound purpose. 

Alderperson Anthony: I would just like to remind everyone that Bellevue Park Plaza even though we are looking at basically the parking lot, over there, that those buildings are outdated, I don't know when the last time there was a facelift over there. I don't know if TIF being made available to owners of those of that development would help. I was in favor of it, mainly because of the vacancies of businesses in that area. I remind you that the McDonalds that left, I remind you that a large restaurant burnt to the ground, I remind you that we lost a grocery store. The corner itself needs help. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of tools in our toolbox to try and address that. That was one reason I may have mentioned it in Economic Development that once blight starts to set in, it is like a cancer. We depend on our tax revenues to support our basic services of Police and Fire and also to pay our various City Employees. That corridor, and I only mention the corridor because Bellevue Park Plaza is in that corridor, and it runs along North Belt all the way out to the K-Mart store and all that stuff was at. We are looking at a situation where maybe TIF isn't the fix all for it. I remind the Council, what do we do to stop this, we are the only City, and we are a major City for a McDonalds to be closed. They are building McDonalds all over the world and we are closing them. I tell you there is something wrong out there and it needs to be addressed, it is not in its infancy, it is already half gone already. TIF can't do it, I suggest that we as a Council and as a City come up with something that will address the evacuation of businesses along that corridor and event centers there are not going to do it. We don't get a dime for those event centers, we are not getting anything from that, the small mom and pop stores that are developing out there, we get a little bit of something, but we are not getting enough money to sustain anything. Those business owners in that particular area, in Bellevue Park Plaza, are going to start suffering and they're going to start closing. I guarantee you; I have seen it. 

Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross: You hit it on the head, I mean that is a discussion. What is going to happen? I think the thought is we've got to figure something out here, how to revitalize the corridor. I think your key term is corridor. How do we stabilize it? I just want to bring those of you who are not on the committee up to speed. This is not establishing the TIF, this is bringing the consultant on board to our fact finding in how we establish the TIF and what the plan looks like. What I got from the discussions, inaction is not an option at this point. We've got to find out how to address that corridor and it goes directly to our how are we moving forward if you, you've all heard us say this a million times, our goal is to anchor corridors, spur redevelopment and stabilization around those corridors. McDonalds going out of business is not going to stabilize the corridor. The thought was, we would create this TIF in the middle of the donut hole, so to speak, because if you remember, this was never part of the original TIF 3 which is the biggest TIF in the world, but it was not part of TIF 3, because when TIF 3 was originally established in the early 80's it was a new thriving shopping center. There was discussion do we amend TIF 3, do we bring this in, how do we do that, do we take money from TIF 3. Those are all things that are going to be up for discussion. I think the concern is, is $28,000-$29,000 investment to what we have going on over there, a bad investment, will it work? No guarantees. I won't sugar coat it, but we have to do something to create a strategic redevelopment plan for that corridor to revitalize and anchor it and quite honestly stabilize that portion, which some people would say is the gateway to west Belleville. We are bringing it to Lindenwood, let's take it to here and then let's move on out to K-Mart property. That is the vision that we are working on, that is why we are asking for this. We need that economic development tool to move forward and stabilize that corridor. 

Mayor Gregory: I would like to remind everyone that this year we have closed four TIFS and the TIF from Eckert's was closed and paid off ten years earlier than it needed to be. That tells you that we are not willy nilly running out to get TIF money. 

Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross: That is a great point Mayor, we understand the concerns, and they are focuses, let's be smart with our TIFs, let's not create a TIF just to create a TIF because it is popular or catchy at the time. Let's do a TIF with purpose and the expiration of four TIFs that were either underperforming, and I don't know if (inaudible) I can't answer that question, obviously they were not performing or they met their life expectancy, the anchors. Classic example of a perfect TIF, we got (inaudible) reinvestment from them ten years early and that shows the strength of the TIF when you really do it right. Now TIFs have the flaws, don't get me wrong, I am not the biggest fan of bonding TIFs because that has it own issues, individual TIFs you have a little more control, but you have to be careful on how you structure them because sometimes if you structure it the wrong way, the wrong people pay for it. We don't want that; we will be very cautious in how we proceed you will still be a part of this entire process because as you know in your packet there is a schedule that is coming, and we will be bringing you in on every step of this process and you will have that input. We are asking tonight to get started with the process in something that we feel we have to anchor and revitalize at that corridor. It has to happen, if it doesn't happen here, we have to look at other angles. 

Mayor Gregory: In the past two weeks we have demolished twenty-four demolitions have gone on, the old Nonna's restaurant has come down. We are working on the PayDay Loan across the street. 

Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross: Let's get that down before it gets (inaudible). 

Multiple people talking. 

Mayor Gregory: I will tell you personally as a resident of the west end, there has not been a lot that has been put into the west end to help stabilize it. We have a very successful Justice Center and Workforce Development that has stabilized a corridor that had 45 million dollars invested into that corridor and now we need to move forward on both ends of town. West end and east end. I would just like to remind you that we have closed TIFs. 

Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross: The other thing I will remind you of with this TIF, it will run parallel with the economic development strategy that we are working on as well. You will have that extra blanket of control to make sure it meets what we are looking to do five, ten, twenty years down the line. That will give us a better roadmap and purpose, the main thing is that this happens to be running parallel to the development and finalization of the economic development strategy, which most likely will identify this as a corridor of stabilization. 

Alderperson Osthoff: I will just say that, yes, I agree that area needs help and if we don't pass the TIF tonight then we need to do something and maybe it is not TIF, but we have to do something. 

Driving here, that is how I drive down here several times a week, it is blighted I don't know in the legal sense but as I said in the committee it is not indicative of the City that I think the way we want it to look. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl. (13) 

Members voting nay on roll call: Randle (1) 


Motion carries. 


St. Clair Service Company: Site Plan approval for a proposed Bulk Fuel Plant and Retail Gas Station Facility to be located at 1036 S. Green Mount Road within the "C-4" Commercial District (13-01.0-300-010). Ward 6. Planning Commission recommended Approval, with a vote of 7-0. 

Oblates Subdivision: Preliminary/Final Plat Approval of the proposed Oblates Subdivision. Planning Commission recommended Approval, with a vote of 7-0. 

Alderperson Dintelman made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to approve the proposals as read. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler. (14) 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Dintelman made a motion second by Alderperson Whitaker to waive the formal bidding procedures and utilize OMNIA Cooperative Purchasing to purchase a 28' Hexagonal all steel structure from Cunningham Recreation in the amount of $45,084.56 as part of Bellevue Park Improvements (TIF 3/MEPRD FUNDS) 

Members voting aye on roll call: Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore. (14) 

Motion carries. 



Request from Belleville Barbershop Chorus to display their Annual Show banner on North Illinois Street June 9, 2023 through June 26, 2023. 


Request from MEPSI to host Pride Block Party, Saturday, June 17, 2023, 6:00pm to 11:00pm. Street closure request: North Church Street from East Main to alley entrance and use of Paderborn Square, 10:00am to 11:59pm. Additional City services: "No Parking" signage, picnic tables, electric and trash toters. 


Request from City of Belleville to host SAFB Military Reception, Friday, May 19, 2023, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, City Hall atrium. Additional services: tables, trash cans and alcohol to be served at reception. 


Request from Diocese of Belleville to host the Bishop Janssen Center Dedication, Monday, June 5, 2023, 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Street closure request: half block in front of 224 West Garfield (between Cathedral Lane and South 3rd Street), 10:00am to 5:00pm. 

Alderperson Schaefer made a motion second by Alderperson Ferguson to approve the Communications as read. 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries. 




Alderperson Stiehl made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to read Resolutions 3481, 3482 and 3483 by title only and as a group. 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries. 


Resolution Authorizing the Redemption and Payment of all the City's Outstanding General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012 and Certain Other Actions in Connection Therewith 


A Resolution Amending the Annual Budget of the City of Belleville, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning on the First Day of May 2023 and Ending on the 30th Day of April 2024 


A Resolution of Support for Submission of a Metro East Parks and Recreation District FY23 Community Planning Grant Program Application 

Alderperson Schaefer made a motion second by Alderperson Stiehl to approve the Resolutions as read. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Sullivan, Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt. (14) 

Motion carries. 


Alderperson Whitaker made a motion second by Alderperson Schaefer to read Ordinances 9122, 9151, 9152, 9153, 9154, 9155, and 9156 by title only. 

All members present voted aye. 

Motion carries. 

ORDINANCE 9122-2023 

A ZONING ORDINANCE IN RE CASE 02-JAN23-Lisa & Robert Diserens 

ORDINANCE 9151-2023 


ORDINANCE 9152-2023 


ORDINANCE 9153-2023 


ORDINANCE 9154-2023 


ORDINANCE 9155-2023 


ORDINANCE 9156-2023 

A ZONING ORDINANCE IN RE CASE 18-APR23-Ashland Storage Centers East 

Alderperson Schaefer made a motion second by Alderperson Stiehl to approve the Ordinances as read. 

Mayor Gregory: I believe we have a Zoning case here in the Ordinance that was changing the residential to industrial district. 

Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning, Clifford Cross: You are correct, this is a map amendment that would rezone that property from A-1 to D-1 Zoning. They approved the Advisory report that came to you from the ZBA that basically recommended the map amendment for the rezoning to take place. It was presented to you - - - 

Multiple people talking. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Osthoff, Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan. (13) 

Members voting abstain on roll call: Rothweiler (1) 


Motion carries. 




Alderperson Elmore made a motion second by Alderperson Duco to approve Motor Fuel Claims in the Amount of $283,791.81. 

Members voting aye on roll call: Whitaker, Schneider, Duco, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Sullivan, Osthoff. (14) 

Motion carries. 




Alderperson Schaefer made a motion second by Alderperson Elmore to adjourn at 8:07 p.m. 

All members voted aye. 

Motion carries.
