David Hursey, Treasurer | City of O'Fallon
David Hursey, Treasurer | City of O'Fallon
City of O'Fallon Library Board met Dec. 9
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
The meeting took place at the O’Fallon Public Library in O’Fallon, IL.
President Suzanne Rupright called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Suzanne Rupright; present, Charla Morton; present, Doug Distler; present, Linda Mitchell; present, Liz Jennings; present, Larry Morrison; present, May Brown; present, Vern Hamm; present. Beth Rowling was excused. Also, in attendance Sadeel and Sadeem Alqadi (student guests).
Special Guest Sandra Evans for City Finance Department.
Guests Presentation: Representatives Tom Crabtree and Lucas Davenport from Stifel Nicolaus explained the steps involved in funding a new library.
Consent Agenda: A motion was made by L. Jennings and seconded by C. Morton to accept the consent agenda. All ayes. Motion carried.
November Bills: A motion was made by C. Morton and seconded by L. Jennings to approve the presented bills for payment. Roll call: S. Rupright; aye, C. Morton; aye, D. Distler; aye, L. Mitchell; aye, V. Hamm; aye, L. Jennings; aye, L. Morrison; aye, M. Brown; aye. All ayes. Motion carried.
Public Comment: None
New Business: A motion was made by L. Jennings and seconded by V. Hamm to accept the Privacy Policy. All ayes. Motion carried. A motion was made by C. Morton and seconded by L. Mitchell to leave the Executive Session Minutes closed because the need for confidentiality still exists. All ayes. Motion carried.
Executive Session: A motion was made by L. Morrison and seconded by V. Hamm to go into Executive Session for the Director’s Annual Evaluation. Roll call: S. Rupright; aye, C. Morton; aye, D. Distler; aye, L. Mitchell; aye, V. Hamm; aye, L. Jennings; aye, L. Morrison; aye, M. Brown; aye. All ayes. Motion carried.
Executive Session Adjournment: Following discussion, execution session adjourned at 7:44 p.m.
Unfinished Business: A motion was made by D. Distler and seconded by V. Hamm to increase Ryan Johnson’s salary by the City of O’Fallon’s recommended 2025 salary adjustment for all city employees to take effect May 1, 2025. Roll call: S. Rupright; aye, C. Morton; aye, D. Distler; aye, L. Mitchell; aye, V. Hamm; aye, L. Jennings; aye, L. Morrison; aye, M. Brown; aye.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50p.m.