Jerseyville City Council | City of Jerseyville Website
Jerseyville City Council | City of Jerseyville Website
City of Jerseyville City Council met Jan. 21
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Kevin Stork called the regular session of the Jerseyville City Council to order Tuesday, January 21st at City Hall beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Present were Commissioners Anthony Steckel, Steve Pohlman, John Miles, and Mayor Kevin Stork.
Commissioner Zachary Crawford was absent. City Attorney William Strang was absent. City Clerk Denise Hayes took minutes.
Comm. Pohlman led the opening prayer and pledge of allegiance was recited.
A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Steckel, to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Roll call vote showed all ayes, no nays, motion carried.
A motion was made by Comm. Steckel, seconded by Comm. Pohlman, to approve the bills as presented for January 21, 2025, in the amount of $452,930.26. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
A. A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Steckel, to approve the 2024 fire report as presented by Fire Chief Keith Norman. Chief Norman reported there were a total of 129 incidents with 35 fires, 11 rescue, 16 hazardous, 5 service, 37 good intent, 2 severe weather, 1 special incident, and 22 false calls. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
B. A motion was made by Comm. Steckel, seconded by Comm. Miles, to approve the City Clerk to attend the Municipal Clerks of Illinois Winter Seminar January 23rd and 24th in Peoria. All voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
C. A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Pohlman, to approve the appointment of Mike Lair to the Jerseyville Volunteer Fire Department. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
D. A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Steckel to accept a letter of resignation submitted by Sara Norman as a board member of the Planning and Zoning Board. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
Mayor Stork announced the following:
-2025 Daddy/Daughter Dance registration with deadline of February 5th.
-T-Ball, Pitch Machine, and 10u-14u Baseball/softball registration with deadline March 15th. With registration forms available at the Susnig Complex and will be sent through the Unit #100 schools.
CLOSED SESSION – A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Steckel, to go into closed session to discuss litigation. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made by Comm. Miles, seconded by Comm. Pohlman, to go back into open session.
ADJOURNMENT: Being no action taken as a result of closed session and no other business to be discussed, a motion was made by Comm. Steckel, seconded by Comm. Pohlman, to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 p.m. Roll call vote showed all voted aye, no nays, motion carried.