City of Belleville Electrical Commission met Aug. 27.
Here is the agenda provided by the Commission:
I. Call to order Larry Glaenzer
II. Roll call of Members and Staff
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting Larry Glaenzer
IV. Monthly Electric Inspection Report Ken Bassler
V. Old Business
Discussion was held regarding Electric Code Section 12-03-8 that addresses reciprocity. Proposed that there be a grace period of 3 years given on taking the Prometric test prior to applying for a Belleville license. Also proposed to have the paragraph removed from the ordinance since it did not have any relevance.
Letters sent to all new applicants to attend the meeting.
James Hickman is now working for Low Voltage Group, the letter stating Hickman holds office within the company enough to transfer his license over
VI. New Business
Electric Code section that address the transfer of a license when the holder passes. This was tabled.
TD4 Electric, Scott Derquntz, missed taking the Thomas Prometric Test in the time allowed.