City of Lebanon Council met Jan. 22.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Consideration of Work Session Meeting Minutes: none
Consideration of Regular Meeting Minutes: January 8, 2019
Recognition of Visitors:
Proclamation for Public Education Week
Public Hearing for Rezoning of 511 North Broadway Avenue Property
1) Ordinance 2019-003 An Ordinance Authorizing The City Manager To Execute An Annexation Agreement With The Board Of Trustees Of Turtlecreek Township
Sponsors: Mayor Brewer, Ms. Wyatt
This legislation will authorize the City Manager to execute an annexation agreement with Turtlecreek Township to support the annexation of property located at 1831 S.R. 63 and being owned by A.W. Cardinal, Incorporated.
2) Ordinance 2019-004 An Ordinance Authorizing The City Manager To Execute An Agreement With Miller Lawn And Landscape
Sponsor: Mr. Aylor
This legislation will approve a 3-year contract with Miller Lawn and Landscape, at an annual cost of $42,626.36 for the bush-hogging of certain City parks and public right of way.
3) Ordinance 2019-005 An Ordinance Authorizing The City Manager To Execute An Agreement With Daily’s Lawn And Landscaping
Sponsor: Mr. Aylor
This legislation will approve a 3-year contract with Daily’s Lawn and Landscaping, at an annual cost of $61,278.09 for the mowing of certain City parks and public right of way.
1) Resolution 2019-010 A Resolution Requesting The County Auditor To Make Tax Advances During The Year 2019 Pursuant To Section 321.34 Of The Ohio Revised Code
Sponsor: Mayor Brewer
This legislation is requesting the County Auditor to make tax advances during 2019 pursuant to section 321.34 of the Ohio Revised Code.
2) Resolution 2019-011 A Resolution Approving The Provision Of City Services In Support Of Various Special Events
Sponsor: Ms. Wyatt
This legislation will approve City support services for various festivals and events located in the public right-of-way.
3) Ordinance 2019-012 An Ordinance Of the City Of Lebanon, Ohio Approving An Amendment To
The Official Zoning Map Thereof To 6.3 Acres Of Property Located At 511 North Broadway (Parcel Number 12062770020) From Neighborhood Commercial (NC) And Residential One C (R-1C) To Mixed-Use Planned Unit Development (MC PUD).
Sponsor: Mr. Aylor
This legislation will approve the rezoning and PUD Concept Plan for the property located at 511 N. Broadway Avenue from a split zoning of Neighborhood Commercial (NC) and Residential One C (R1-C) to a Mixed Use Planned Unit Development (MU-PUD) as recommended by Planning Commission.
Discussion Items:
(a) City Manager’s Report
(b) Executive Session