
Metro East Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Edwardsville Public Safety Committee met June 13

City of Edwardsville Public Safety Committee met June 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Members Present: Alderman Chris Farrar 

Alderwoman Andrea Miracle 

Member Excused: Alderman SJ Morrison 

Other Present: James Whiteford, Fire Chief 

Mike Lybarger, Deputy Police Chief 

David Sirko, Public Works 

Brendan McKee, Deputy Fire Chief 

Cathy Hensley, Communication Coordinator 

Anna Roseman, Fire Department 

Darin Hartman, Anderson Hospital 

The Edwardsville Public Safety Committee meeting was called to order by Alderman Chris Farrar at 5:30 p.m. in the Governor Edwards Conference Room, 118 Hillsboro Avenue with a quorum present: Alderman Chris Farrar and Alderwoman Andrea Miracle. Alderman SJ Morrison was excused. 

Public Comment: 

Approval of Minutes:

• Motion by Alderwoman Miracle, second by Alderman Farrar to approve minutes from the Public Safety Committee meeting held Tuesday, May 30, 2023. Motion carried, Farrar and Miracle voted aye. 

Police Department: 

Fire Department: 

Action Item(s):

• Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase of Holmatro Extrication System at a Cost Not to Exceed $53,132.00 

This sole source purchase of Holmatro extrication tools will help to replace the damage and excessive wear of the tools used to respond to the December 2021 tornado. This purchase will use the funds gifted from the Amazon Corporation.

Motion by Alderman Farrar, second by Alderwoman Miracle for Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase of Holmatro Extrication System at a Cost Not to Exceed $53,132.00. Motion carried, Farrar and Miracle voted aye.

• Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase of 2023 Ford F150 Crew Cab 4x4 Pickup and Associated Equipment at a Cost Not to Exceed $68,695.00 

This sole source purchase of 2023 Ford F150 Crew Cab 4x4 Pickup and associated equipment will replace an aging 2008 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4 that has become unreliable. This purchase is through Morrow Brothers Ford and will be funded through the Capital Equipment Fund.

Motion by Alderman Farrar, second by Alderwoman Miracle for Approval of a

Resolution Authorizing the Sole Source Purchase of 2023 Ford F150 Crew Cab 4x4 Pickup and Associated Equipment at a Cost Not to Exceed $68,695.00. Motion carried, Farrar and Miracle voted aye.

Informational Item(s):

• Pit Crew CPR Video

The Edwardsville Fire Department and the Glen Carbon Fire Protection District created a Pit Crew CPR video to be used for training at Anderson Hospital and surrounding fire agencies.

Old Business: 

New Business: 

Action Item(s):

• Approval of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 114, Article II of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville (Traffic Control)

The Professional Design Engineer determined that additional stops are required with the reconstruction of South Charles Street and Minnesota Street. One (1) stop sign will be located at the intersection of Minnesota Street and South Charles for westbound traffic, as well as two (2) stop signs at the intersection of Minnesota Street and Banner Street, for both eastbound and westbound traffic on Minnesota.

Motion by Alderman Farrar, second by Alderwoman Miracle for Approval of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 114, Article II of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Edwardsville (Traffic Control). Motion carried, Farrar and Miracle voted aye.

The next regular scheduled meeting of the Public Safety Committee is Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Motion to adjourn by Alderwoman Miracle, second by Alderman Farrar. With no further business at hand the meeting was adjourned at 6:08 p.m. Motion carried, Farrar and Miracle voted aye.
