Roxana Village Council
Recent News About Roxana Village Council
Roxana Village Council met October 9
Roxana Village Council met Wednesday, Oct. 9.
Roxana Village Council met October 7
Roxana Village Council met Monday, Oct. 7.
Roxana Village Council met June 3
Roxana Village Council met Monday, June 3.
Roxana Village Council met June 18
Roxana Village Council met 4:30 p.m. Monday, June 18.
Roxana Village Council met April 17
Roxana Village Council met 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 17.
Roxana Village Council purchases police vehicles
The Roxana Village Council met Feb. 20 to purchase police vehicles.
Roxana Village Council authorizes bill payment
The Roxana Village Council met Jan. 3 to authorize bill payment.
Roxana Village Council discusses underground storage tank soil removal
Roxana Village Council discusses underground storage tank soil removal at its meeting last week.
Roxana Village Council approves payments of bills from general fund
Roxana Village Council approves payments of bills from general fund at its recent meeting.
Roxana Board Members holds fire tax meeting
The office of the village of Roxana Board Members met Oct. 12 to hold a fire tax meeting.
Roxana Village Council authorizes payment of bills
Roxana Village Council authorizes payment of bills at its recent meeting.
Roxana Village Council meets, approves expenditures
The Roxana Village Council met April 4 to approve several expenditures of the village.
Roxana holds meeting, discusses committee reports
The village council for the Village of Roxana held a regular meeting yesterday, April 18.
Roxana Village Council examines city projects, including storm drainage, water plants
In a recent Roxana Village Council meeting, Trustee Marty Reynolds discussed the Thomas and Maple storm drainage project, extending the storm water line to Walnut, as well as replacing the furnace and hot water heater at 223 S. Central Ave.
Roxana Village Council approves Riverbend Growth Association annual dues
Roxana Village Council approved last night a payment to the Riverbend Growth Association for annual dues.
Roxana Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary discuss homecoming activities
The Roxana Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary recently convened to discuss Homecoming activities.
Roxana Village Council assesses fund balances in recent meeting
The Roxana Village Council gathered Feb. 1, with Mayor Paul Oller presiding to give fund updates and assess issues regarding local properties.
Roxana Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary reviews code of ethics at recent meeting
The Roxana Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary recently held a regular meeting to cover ongoing agenda items as well as a few new business initiatives.
Roxana Village Council meets to examine Public Works Committee request
The Roxana Village Council recently gathered to listen to a Public Works Committee request for a furnace and hot water heater replacement at 223 S. Central, which is expected to cost less than $3,000.
Roxana holds Fire Tax meeting to examine committee reports, discuss state of department
Roxana, Illinois, recently held its Fire Tax meeting to examine committee reports, review miscellaneous and unfinished business and discuss the state of the fire department.